Tyrian smiled with glee at his goddess praising him, as Cinder grit her teeth, angered.

"I am."

Salem's eyes narrowed, her sclera pulsing.

She snapped her fingers, the ominous noise echoing throughout the large room.

Cinder began to convulse and scream in pain. She clutched her chest, shaking in her seat as she howled in agony. She was drowning, suffocating, body being pierced at a thousand points, all while being burnt to ashes inside. She couldn't breathe, her lungs were pounding against her chest, restrained.

Emerald's eyes took on a worried glint, and she took a step towards Cinder that drew everyone's attention in the room.

"Stop," Salem tilted her head, narrowing her bloodred irises at the green-haired girl, "Unless you would like to experience the same pain. Cinder has failed me, and she will experience the consequences. My Upper Apostle Four should not be so pathetic."

Emerald stopped abruptly, taking several small, frightened steps away from the still writhing Cinder.

Salem watched Cinder with cold, dispassionate, red eyes, leaning her cheek on the back of her right hand.

She continued convulsing, writhing in excruciating agony, the room filled with her blood-curdling screams.

The rest of them looked away, with only Tyrian rubbing his hands together in delight at the torture being carried out by his Goddess.

The Queen waited for several more seconds, before snapping her fingers, a loud, commanding sound that rang throughout the hall.

Cinder stopped convulsing, instead taking in great gulps of air, her chest rising and falling heavily.

"I thought you were the girl who wanted power," she remarked coldly, her clinical voice resonating throughout the large room.

Cinder Fall did not answer.

"Was I wrong?"

"No, Mistress," she bowed her head.

"Without you, I am nothing."

"Good. I hope for your sake that you seek remember that."

Salem flicked a hand dismissively, "Now, Cinder, Tyrian. Tell me about this... Perseus. And be honest, please. Otherwise, I may find myself... most displeased."

Silence reigned for several moments as Cinder took the time to compose himself.

"He-" Cinder shuddered, her shoulders shaking from both the lingering pain and the thought that- him. She didn't want to admit it, but her blood had run cold when he had revealed his true power. The fact of the matter was that he chilled her to the bone, a walking demon that couldn't be stopped, not by her.

"He was terrifying. He was a blur of speed and strength with his sword. He summoned the storm as if he were a maiden himself. I tried taking control from him, but he swatted my will aside as if I were some annoying gnat. He was merciless. He's something... otherworldly. Like a... like a god."

The last part was said in a hushed whisper, and Salem stiffened, her back going ramrod in her bone throne.

Nevertheless, she asked for Tyrian's opinion.

"Tyrian, your thoughts."

A wide grin coated the faunus' face, as he smiled with pure glee, "My Goddess, I have never seen such destruction before! He is destruction incarnate, a force against the ever ebbing tide! He is the stormbringer! He fought like a man possessed, like he was nigh indestructible! Oh how I wish he would turn to our side!"

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