Her eyes narrow towards the finger he's pointing at her. She scoffs. "The fact that you can stand there and you truly believe you've helped me in any sort of way—"

"Did you know he was going to burn it?" He gestures with his chin to the book in her arms. "He was angry at you, Samantha. He got coked out in the car on the way home from the agency. He went off on his usual tangents I'm certain you've heard a million times. He didn't even hesitate. It's the first thing he ran for. He said it was the only thing in that house you actually cared about. That if you were going to treat him this way, put him through all this, make him out to be the bad guy, he was going to hurt you the only place he could. I stopped him. And it almost cost me my job, thank you very much."

It's the first time she believes him. Mostly because it sounds exactly like Cody. But there's one part she doesn't get. "Why would you do that?"

He sighs with his hands on his hips. "Listen, do you mind if I come inside?"

Her hand plays with the door handle on the side he can't see. "I-I don't know about that. Henry's... getting out of the shower."

"I saw his car pull out of here as I was driving up," He glances over his shoulder before looking back to her. "It'd be better for us to talk inside. Trust me."

"What? Are you being followed? Is the house being watched? Is Cody here?" The alarms start to go off inside her head.

He rolls his eyes and pushes gently on the door, stepping inside and moving past her. "Close the door."

For some reason, she does as he says. She follows him into the entry way and then the living room, refusing to take her eyes off of him. He might steal something or plant some listening device. It's a good thing they're moving and he doesn't know it—

"Shouldn't you have this place packed by now?" He asks, adjusting his blazer.

She freezes. "What did you just say?"

"Henry said he'd have you out of New York before the end of the month," Levi sinks down onto an armchair in the living room as if he's been here before. "Mind pouring me a drink?"

She's a little taken aback by the request. Who the hell does he think he is, walking in here, talking about what she thought were secret plans of moving away, and asking for a cock tail?

"I have to let Red in." It's the first thing she thinks of and it gives her a distraction to get away from him for a moment. She takes her time going to the back door and letting Red in. When she closes the door again, she makes her way to the bar in between the kitchen and living room. She can't believe she's making him a drink but obviously he knows something she doesn't. "What would you like?"

"Do you have whiskey?"

"Is Glenn McKenna alright?"

"Ah, yes. I see Good is a man of taste." He leans back in the arm chair. His eyes continue to survey the downstairs. "On the rocks please."

She sighs, counting three ice cubes as she drops them into his glass. She pours herself a gin and tonic because it's always the drink that gets her drunk the fastest. And it feels like she'll need to be a little drunk for this meeting. It's hardly the time for champagne either.

Once she's poured their drinks, she places his in his hand and takes the seat opposite of him. She takes a long drink and shivers from the strength of the alcohol. "How do you know we're moving?"

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