2. Would You Like My Number?

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He remembers the wedding perfectly despite how long it's been. He remembers being surprised when he received the invitation in the mail, only recognizing the last name Chambers. Stephen's second son was finally getting married. What poor girl agreed to that mess, Henry wondered.

Henry grew up two grades below Stephen Chambers. Ask him about their relationship and he'd probably say Chambers was a necessary acquaintance. Stephen would say Henry was like a little brother.Years after high school, they still golf together every Sunday. They sit at brunch and discuss politics, family, high school, stocks, and their mutual investments. The Chambers father is always pitching something. And his entitlement was there long before he built a multi-million dollar hedge fund. He talks down to everyone. He'll try to get under your skin for a laugh. The Chambers mother isn't any better Oh, Henry, when are you going to bring a girl home? The woman knows everything about everyone in Manhattan. She never starts conversations with a hello or how are you doing. Instead, it's: did you hear about so and so... He just doesn't like that quality in a person. People with weak minds talk about others. It doesn't take a degree to see that woman is miserable.

Their sons aren't anything to gloat about either-- Stephen's only weakness. The older brother, Nick. The lawyer for the firm. He loves the sound of his own voice. He'll take any chance he can to remind you he went to Harvard (for a year and a half). Then there's Cody. He's 8 youngers young than Henry. He looks like a nice guy. But Cody is the definition of toxic masculinity. He has to have the nicest cars, clothes, and women. I tell you, that kid just wants to party and sleep around, absolutely no drive or sense of direction, Stephen admitted after one too many Amaretto Sours one Sunday.

Two weeks later, Henry was getting an invite to attend a wedding for Cody. He had no desire to attend. He hates public events. He hates crowds. He's dealt with anxiety all his life but he's learned how to manage it well. You wouldn't know looking at him that he struggles. He's accepted plenty of awards, given exceptional speeches around the world, presentations, seminars... But he hates public speaking and he hates being around so many people at once. It gives him a kind of claustrophobia. His OCD goes off the charts. There's so much you can't control in that kind of environment...

He attended the wedding anyways, wanting to support the family of course, but his curiosity for the bride also ate at him. He reasoned it was a New York socialite. Someone marrying for the money- it's not uncommon to see on the East side. He was surprised to meet Samantha instead. He remembers how she shook his hand so quickly, her other hand catching the sleeve of her white dress from slipping. He could smell the champagne on her breath. There was a hazy look in her eyes by that time of the night. She kept watching her husband and mother in law anxiously, finicking with her hands and her hair. Beautiful, but far too young to even understand what she was getting herself into. Instead of a high school graduation, I got a wedding, she had giggled.

Now she sits across from him in his office; more anxious, slightly intoxicated, and tired. At 18 years old, she was a bright eyed girl. Now at 25, something inside her has been broken. Her hair is blonde now but he can see the warm brunette roots growing through. Held up in a clip with loose tendrils falling around her face. She's dressed like a business woman: pencil skirt, white blouse tucked in, and a pair of flats. She apologizes a lot, peeking up at you with a tilt of her head and big brown eyes- almost like the way Princess Diana did all those years ago. This is a woman who is hopeful to see better days ahead.

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