3. I Like You Saying My Name

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Friday night. If she had any choice in the matter, she'd be spending it tucked up on the couch with her heated blanket, watching Master Chef or Fixer Upper. Or maybe she'd finally try to get around to painting. And there would definitely be take out involved. Instead, it's the annual birthday celebration for her father in law, Stephen. Every year, half of New York is invited to the Met. The Chambers family spends almost two months planning this thing; every year it seems to get bigger. A night full of tuxedos and ball gowns, from doctors to celebrities, socialites to authors and entrepreneurs. There's bottomless champagne and waiters that walk around with silver trays of food. There's music and performances, dancing and speeches.

The first two years of it were absolutely nerve wracking. She clung to her husband the whole time, trying to remember the names and faces of each person she interacted with. The third year, she spent most the evening on the bathroom floor, puking up caviar and champagne. Now, she thoroughly dreads this day. She spends the whole week trying to come up with an excuse to get out of it but there's never an excuse that's justifiable to Cody.

"You're his only daughter," Cody will say as he inspects himself in the mirror for the millionth time.

"I'm not his daughter," She'll correct. "technically speaking."

"How would it look for my wife not to come?" It will be his next point. He always defaults to it. "I mean, what do you think people would say? There'd be rumors of divorce. It's the only thing I'd get asked all night. They'd probably question my ability to take over the business once dad goes. And you know my brother would just love that."

I don't care what they say. Let them believe whatever they want. No one's going to miss my presence anyways!

Except tonight is different. Tonight, she has ammo. With this upper hand, she may be able to negotiate her way out of this evening.

Currently, she sits at one end of their large bathroom suite. A red silk gown has been selected for her, the backless piece of fabric lies at the edge of the jacuzzi tub. Jewelry will be kept simple with just her wedding ring and the diamond bracelet Cody got her for an anniversary. She's been awake since 8 am this morning. At 8:30, two women come into the house and proceed to spend the next hour waxing every inch of her body. This is an unspoken expectation from her husband. Hairless from the eyelashes down. She made the mistake one summer of not shaving her legs for a day or two. This caused her husband to go on about how he believes it's unhygienic for a female to have body hair. After the waxing, another set of women come in to paint her fingers and toenails. For the next hour, she bathes and showers. It's the only hour she gets to herself. Then comes in the hair stylist. Today, they decided to dye her hair back to a warm brown shade, as close to her natural color as she can get. Cody's mother would be the first to comment on her roots growing in and how "lazy" it appears. The makeup artist is next. And while her hair is being pulled and her face being drawn on, the stylist comes in with a rack of dresses, trying to explain the pros and cons of each. Samantha doesn't care. She'll wear whatever they pick for her.

Cody walks in and out of their room and bathroom. At some point, he comes into the bathroom and smiles at all the women. "Hello, ladies!" He smirks as he reaches in his closet for the hand picked suit he'll wear tonight. "Will this still work with her dress?"

The stylist realizes he's asking her this and she quickly nods.

"Terrific! Well, I'll leave you ladies to it then." He can't seem to get out the door fast enough.

"Cody, wait," Samantha tries to say as the makeup artist applies another layer of red shade to her lips. "Sorry, Bev, can you just give me one second?"

Beverly nods and puts the cap on the lipstick. She turns back to her array of products and colors, cleaning up and organizing her brushes during this break.

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