Chapter 20: Sweet Blood

Start from the beginning

" Crowley " you whispered. " hm?" " don't leave" Crowley cupped your cheek. " I won't " he said back. Crowley then flopped down beside you " this is Getting to be a bit of a pain" he sighed.

" Crowley " " what's up?" " who am I?" I asked. He had answers for me and I wanted to know every detail of my life before I entered the moon demon company. Before I woke up in that bed.

" what do you mean?" Crowley asked raising a thick red brow at me. I turned my head toward him " I want to know more about me.. I don't remember a lot and I want to know more about my past, about me, about you.. about us" I spoke as my voice got smaller and smaller the more I talked.

" hm? You've got amnesia huh?" Crowleys question floated in the air. " if you really want to know more then I guess you'll have to stick with me some more, it's a long story. (Y/n)" Crowley said as his blood stained eyes moved over to me. I nod.

Crowley sits up " we should probably fix your wounds now" " ok...alright " I said as I sat up myself. Crowley was fast to leave the room , slipping off the bed and speed walking to the door.

I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the tall male vampire to come back with the first aid kit. My head bent back as I stared up at the boring white ceiling. There wasn't really anything I could do at The moment. I hoped that guren was ok but he was beaten into a pulp by the vampires. So he was probably not so good.

My hand moved up to the side of my neck, it was still wet, maybe because I was still bleeding? Or it was Crowleys saliva. I swallowed thickly, my face got hot all of a sudden. I slap ny hand over my mouth, what would of happened if Crowley didn't stop? My body felt hot as dirty thoughts filled my brain. I didn't even notice that Crowley was back now.

" why are you so hot?" Crowley asked as he showed up in front of my face.

His bare hand up against my forehead. " don't tell me you have a fever now" Crowley said his eyebrows tilted down. He stood up straight and said " you humans really are fragile creatures" Crowley set the first aid kit down beside me.

" I need you to take you top off so I can check for injuries" my face got hot again " that's amusing " Crowley laughed.

He reached his hand to the first button of my uniform. I abruptly moved back. Crowley raised an eyebrow. " are you going to make this hard for me now?" " I can do it on my own" I said " oh? What about the places you can't reach or see?" " I'll deal with it" " it's easier for me just to do it quick and easy " Crowley said he smirked his fang poked out from his lip. " so let me" Crowley reaches over to the top of my uniform " help you out" he unbuttoned the first button.

My body felt overly heated as he continued to unbutton my uniform. What was I supposed to do, I couldn't stop him and to be honest I didn't want him to stop. My jacket of my uniform slipped off my shoulders revealing the white button up blouse under neath. Crowleys hand moved to the top the the blouse unbuttoned the button at the top. He slowly went down the shirt keeping eye contact with me the whole time. My eyes were half lided as I shyly stared back.

After Crowley was done he looked down at the exposed skin. His fingers gently ran over the multiple scars, tracing the darker and rougher skin. " where did you get these?" He remarked.

I shrugged. " they've been there for some time" Crowley nods. " you don't seem to have anything to serious so I'll quickly patch you up" I watched as Crowley put the ointment and bandaids on my small cuts.

I walked down the stairs to the front of town hall with Crowley close behind me. Chess and horn were out waiting for us with guren. I was waring different clothes then my uniform.

The new outfit consisted of a light gray pair of pants that were tight fitted around my hips and thighs and puffed out around my knees and calf's. I had boots that at least six inches of heals. The whole boot was shiny black with the toes and heal being white, also shiny. I had a white top with gold buttons that came down the front. It was long sleeve with red accents. As you went down around my hips a cape like thing flowed down, just past my knees. There was multiple buttons undone revealing my caller bones and top of my breasts, my cleavage showing. There was a cape that was dark red and only went to the middle of my back. There was a strap that was attached to the cape, it rested right under my breasts.

The uniform was a lot like Crowleys but it was mostly all one colour unlike Crowleys which had an arm that was all black plus with his cape being purple well mine was the dark red. I pulled on the black gloves that came with the outfit.

"You look nice" horn spoke. I smiled awkwardly. " yea it really suits you!" Chess added. Crowley grinned as he put a hand on my shoulder. " and I'm the one that picked it out for them. " Crowley confessed Proudly. I waved his hand off my shoulder

" it looks like your uniform! Are you trying to turn me into mini you?" I groaned. Crowleys national smile formed over his handsome face.

" never mind, don't answer that" I spoke.

" never mind, don't answer that" I spoke

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