Akhil reached new home and saw the image of Jhanvi and him painted on the huge wall of the master bed room. It was the picture of them taken from the nuptial chain changing ceremony. She looked angelic in the bridal saree and he was next to her and they looked perfect as a couple. He felt so happy to it. Next he walked to the terrace where a mini garden was set up and the highlight was the artificial moon he had arranged there. 

He appreciated his managers for bringing out the ideas perfectly.

Akh: Everything is perfectly done. Finally make sure all the flowers are fresh and nothing should go wrong.

Manager: Sure sir, all the hand crafts you have selected will be delivered tomorrow. You can choose be here tomorrow and guide us to place them in the home.

Akh: Yeah I will be here the same time.

Manager: Sir, you could have got expensive crafts from across the world.

Akh: My wife likes simple crafts made by hand. I want everything to her choice.

Akhil returned home late at night and saw her sleeping and laid next to her. He slept immediately as he was hell tired. Morning Jhanvi woke and saw a sticky note that Akhil was in the resort as he had meeting with the managers on expanding the resort in ECR.

Jhanvi could not decide if he was saying truth but she let it go and got ready for office. The day went as usual like she could see Akhil being secretive and doing something behind her back. Their time of interaction between them reduced in this week and she felt they were drifting away each other. She would cry silently in their room but Akhil was not there to wipe her tears. But she made her mind to give him time to open up to her and went with her plans to surprise him.

Weekend Isha and Granny arrived at penthouse and saw Jhanvi alone in room. Jhanvi did not want to spoil the occassion and put her normal self and welcomed them. Later they went shopping to a mall and they were busy buying accessories for decoration.

Akhil collected the dress he had ordered for Jhanvi and returned to penthouse and hid it in his study and left to Kabir's apartment and they had lunch together.

Akh: I haven't spoken enough or spent time with Jhanvi for one week. Feeling very bad and sure she must have noted and she will feel hurt by my behaviour.

Kab: Just two days more and everything will be worth of it.

Akh: hmm, What if she did not knew my birthday ?

San: So what, you just ahead with your plans and don't worry about it. Now tell us what time are you planning to take her to your new home ?

Akh: Morning I will call her for temple and may be I will say that we would visit one of my friend and bring her there.

Kab: Good idea. 

Akh: Tomorrow all the new costumes I have ordered for Jhanvi will be delivered. 

San: Inform Banu to arrange them in the closet.

Akh: hmm, I will call her the previous day and I will be there too arrange some more things in our room.

He called Banu and informed her about the surprise he was planning and requested her to keep it secret and arrive at the location to assist him.

When Akhil returned home as usual Jhanvi was asleep or may be she pretended to be asleep. She felt his hands around her waist as he hugged her behind and tears rolled from the corner of her eyes.

Jha Mv: What are you doing Akhil ? Why are we so distant now ? I m missing you like hell.

Akh Mv: Just two days more Jaan, then we will be the happiest couple in this world. I will do everything and anything to keep you happy. Just bear with my lies for 2 more days.

Next day Jhanvi informed Akhil that she would stay with Isha and granny for the next few days and work from home if required.  Jhanvi and Isha reached a bakery and placed an order for his birthday cake and had lunch in a restaurant before returning home.

Liya was driving back to her home after the shoot when she received a call from Sheela to meet her at a near by restaurant. Liya initially refused but Sheela forced her to meet her for one last time and she gave into her plea.

Sheela was waiting for Liya in a private dine room and soon Liya joined her.

Liya: Aunty I don't have much time. Please be quick and after today don't call me.

Shee: Liya as I said already please give one chance to Akhil. 

Liya: I already told you that don't drag me into any of his mess.

Shee: Tomorrow is the last day of their married life and he is happy to get out of that hell. He bought a new home to move on.

Liya: What should I do for that ?

Shee: You won't believe me right. Fine come to the address which I will message tomorrow and see by your own eyes and get to know the truth. After knowing the truth tomorrow still if you choose to walk out of Akhil's life then I promise to not disturb you anymore.

Liya: What is the truth and why don't you tell me now ?

Shee: You will not regret even a bit Liya. I love you as much as I love my son Akhil. I only want the best for both of you and that is you both getting married. Don't run away from your feelings Liya. Life is doesn't give second chances but when you get it never push it away. Later you may regret. Don't give up your happiness for anybody. This is your life and don't do sacrifices.

I hope you will understand and please do come without fail. I will wait for you and it will be a new begining for you.

Liya did not reply and left from there. As soon as she left Sheela's friends entered the room and they were happy to see their plan on the path of success.

Liya was in her bed deep in thoughts and she was lost in Sheela's words. A part of mind warned her to stay away but other part wanted to know the truth that Sheela was speaking all these days.

Liya: Should I go or not. She said that if I go tomorrow then she will never disturb again. May be I will get over after meeting her tomorrow. God, how hard I m trying to move on and she is making it extremely difficult for me.



Next will be a big chapter. Lets see what will happen and whose plan will succeed. Story's and Jhanvi's biggest secret will be revealed and yes ofcourse not so easily so get ready. If something is not falling in place as expected then be sure that I m planning something big and even more better is on way.

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His Angel in Disguise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now