Chapter 18: A Sword Of Justice

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" how odd there is no 2nd wave" " we could have some fun and hunt them down " chess suggests " I bet that's what our enemies are hoping for we'll be patient and let them come to us" I say " they must of realized that they don't stand a chance against us and left" horn spoke " humans have a bad habit to making bad decisions, especially if it's against their orders " " huh? Wait what do you mean lord Crowley?" " they been commanded to destroy us there is little chance that they are going to back out now. They are loyal even in the face of certain death " horn said " or there is something else, maybe they have a secret agenda " I said as I huffed through my nose and turned around jumping down from the rubble " ferid is going to want to know all about this " I said " I don't like lord ferid he's always trying to seem so mysterious, it annoying " chess said " for once I have to agree with you chess" horn spoke " he can be a little much, but you have to admit there's never a dull moment when he's around " I chuckled " alright lady's this is our new for of attack, we'll capture the commander since he's the one that's going to have the most info got it?" " yes" " ok" " also one more thing" I said " yes my lord " horn speaks " if (y/n) is in this I want her captured as well, of course don't harm the little raven to much" I laughed " as you wish my lord " " Oo I can't wait to see (y/n) again!" Chess spoke happily.

" listen up, shinya and me will attack Crowley Eusford and his comrades well you all free the hostages " guren said. I nodded in understanding " we will do a hit and run strategy but that will only give you all 5 minutes after that we have to  retreat and join the people at the airport " guren said " we attack in 7 minutes everyone take your positions " guren spoke walking away.

" ok team I want you all to set a timer for 5 minutes once that timer goes off we have to retreat no matter what's going on, do you understand, Yuu" I said glaring at him " huh? " " this is an order no matter how many we saved we have to leave " " but-" " no buts Yuu! Please just just listen to me, please Yuu" I begged " fine I will it a simple job all we have to do is save them " I smiled and mouthed thank you. A loud  explosion filled my ears. " that must be the  Signal turn your timers on now and we'll go!" I yell as we all set them and went off.

" thorn lend me your thorns!" I yell out as black thorns came out of the ground beneath the crosses cutting all the rope around people. " ahh!" I yelled out cutting a vampire in half " that's the last of them I think" I said to myself. " (y/n)! Are we going to try and help them?" Mitsuba asked. I looked at the ground frozen " are we going to let guren die? Let's go and help them ! " Yuu yelled. I checked my watch " we have 3 minutes. Let's go do this!" I yell as I ran over to the door. " what are you doing (y/n)!? Guren and shinya are on the 4th floor! " Yuu yelled " hush just follow me!" I yell they followed me.

I pointed up " they are right above us, Mitsuba use your demon to brake the ceiling and Yuu will go up first!" I spoke as she did what I said blue filled my vision and Yuu jumped up and let out a battle cry. I jumped up after him grabbing the back of his uniform and flung him behind me blocking Crowleys attack with my sword. " thorn! Do it now!" I yelled as thorns wrapped around my hips pulling me back away from Crowley. Yoichi jumped up and shot some arrows but were easily dodged by Crowley. " go! " Mitsuba yelled out slamming her axe into the ground.

Blue flames wrapped around Crowleys feet. " die!" Yelled Yuu but stoped as Crowley put guren between him and Yuu. I ran up behind Yuu and yelled " thorned rose bushes " tall rose bushes formed around Crowley , the thorns tryed to attack hm but were easily nocked away " hmm? That was impressive, (y/n) " Crowley spoke smiling at me " fan out ahura-koan!" Yuu yelled out as katanas laced with red fire appeared behind him and the swords went attacking Crowley but chess and horn blocked it from even hitting Crowley.

" shit" I spoke under my breath. " Yuu! Come on!" I yelled running past him attacking chess Yuu ran up behind me but a wip wraped around my ankle fling me up " (y/n)!" Yuu yelled but chess attacked him. I was then slammed into the ground. Coughing up blood from the impact.

Rubatosis { Crowley Eusford x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin