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Trust in me

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Trust in me

Just in me

Shut your eyes

Trust in me

That was a song Hoseok heard so many times. It echoed in his brain at times like a forgotten lullaby. But if he remembered correctly, that lullaby was merely a wolf in sheep clothing. His mother had told him once that the song was apart of a story where the snake begged the child to trust in him in exchange for his help. Of course the child listened, trusting in the serpent for his own safety and yet in the end, the child was eaten. It was a lesson for children to not trust strangers so willingly. Yet many people didn't know that such a song really came from such a story. But Hoseok knew some people would quote the famous rhyme knowing full well what the meaning was. It had a double meaning. So of course he was wary of the princess who spoke those words in a soft tone.

She was the serpent.

Hoseok had sat next to her on the large banquet table with others present. His face was cold and uninterested as people but his hair stood up by the mere whisper of Princess Celestrina. She slithered and whispered like a snake. It was almost like she was trying to make him waver. Such words of 'trust in me' never were good when it came out of a serpent. Her smile was bright and her expression was soft like any other princess. She talked sweetly that was as sweet as honey and fluttered her long eyelashes. Almost like she was attracting flies with her honey dripping voice. She didn't even show the slightest discomfort of him ignoring her despite fighting him earlier. Instead she whispered those words almost like she was expecting something.

That unsettled him.

Even though he was sitting straight with his fingers twirling the wine cup in his hands. His eyes flicker around his surroundings. With such a cold expression no noble wanted to even speak to him. Some praised him of being so much like his father, mostly those who favored the king and wanted something in return. That made Hoseok twitched his eyebrow. His lips nearly pulled into a frown.

That wasn't even his father. That's was a man who robbed him of everything as he does with the nation. Rob everything they value and strip them of nothing. Hoseok closed his eyes to hold back a sigh. He felt too uneasy. The princess was too relax for his liking and the people talked as if he wasn't there. The king hasn't even utter a word to him to complain how he treated the princess. Hoseok tapped his finger against the table as he set down his wine cup. He opened his eyes once more to glance at the princess. She was talking to some noble that sat across them, her smile bright and voice soft.

Everything's too calm.

Everything's too still.

His eyes then trailed around the table. Only a handful of Y/n's men were around, nearly blending in with the nobles as they spoke freely but still on alert. Seokjin was amongst them and so was Jungkook. They sat next to each other with bright smiles as they talked. Y/n wasn't present but it would be dangerous if she was.

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