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She didn't feel anything. Her heart felt empty and cold. Her expression blank yet the puffy cheeks and eyes had told people otherwise. She didn't utter a word unless it was about putting out the fires. It was like her body was moving on its own like a doll. Many people had suffered injuries and burns from the flames. She made strict orders to put out the flames and help people. No one was order to do anything else until the flames were out.

She had ran to the river bank with her bucket in her hands. She kneeled down to scoop up the water but froze momentarily. It was strange how the world didn't even bat an eye had the flames that attacked her home. The River looked the same and so did the across the River that wasn't touched by any flames. It was strange how the world continued to move even as she lost everything in those fires. She stared at her reflection, ashes on her face and shirt while her hair was messy. She was beautiful hours before and with the man she truly cared about. Now she's dirty and he left her alone.


She turned her head, blinking away the tears that started to form in her eyes. Namjoon had ran to her worriedly. She was staring at nothing with a water filled bucket in her hands. Usually Y/n would've pushed him away from what he did earlier, but that wasn't the case at all. She let him come close and help her up. But didn't respond to any of the questions that left his lips. She just stared at him, his words only becoming muffled in her ears. All she thought about was Hoseok's smile and the way he held her hands before he left her. How even though the flames flickered in anger and took everything away from her, he looked beautiful under the amber glow. How she wished she kissed him once more and hold him, and properly tell him how much she loves him.

"—Y/n? Hey it's okay."


Y/n felt like her heart just ripped out and the man that left her, took it with him. Now she just felt cold and empty. Nothing but a doll that mindlessly moved on her own. Her heart bleeding and crying out in agony while the world kept moving as if it never cared in the first place. No matter who she speaks with, no one would truly understand the excruciating pain she felt within her chest that tighten the longer her bleeding heart craved for the handsome prince.

How could she be okay?

Y/n felt her lip trembled, biting her bottom lip to keep herself from crying. But it didn't work. Her tears fell down her face like a waterfall. She dropped her bucket to try to wipe away the tears, but they kept coming. The bucket dropped and spilled the water on the ground. It bled through the soil like how her heart bled from pain.

Namjoon wanted to hug her, but he knew his comfort won't be enough this time. He wasn't dumb. He knew by the way Y/n was alone and mindlessly trying to take out the fire, that Hoseok was gone. Hoseok wouldn't leave her alone like this. She needed Hoseok, not him. Despite him hating Hoseok, he knew how truly valuable it was to win her heart. He was sure Hoseok knew the same, he wouldn't leave her so willingly. That much Namjoon knew, but alas there was nothing he could do for her at the moment. He couldn't just bring back Hoseok, he didn't even know where he was. So he did what he knew best, he hid her away from any prying eyes. She was strong and hated when others saw her cry. She felt weak and heart broken.

She looked at Namjoon, wanting to speak but no words could leave her trembling lips. She placed her hand on her chest, gripping the white fabric between her fingers. She felt like she couldn't breathe, her chest burned and tighten. It sounded like she was wheezing, bagging for air. It's been years since Namjoon saw her like this and for once, he didn't even know what to do. All he wanted to do was take away the pain she felt. Her lips parted and almost with a sob afterwards, did she spoke. She only said one thing before her lips sealed and she cried some more.

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