The Village

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I scanned my eyes across the village, I looked to see what type of village it was. Probably a demihuman one, the chances of it being a human village isn't low, but not as high as a demihuman one. I saw Traci sitting on the cliff, talking to Miela and Fiel happily.

Well, while they're having fun, I'll check this place out to see if it's safe. "I'll be back," I told them. Traci sighed and glanced at me. "Alrighty." She spoke. I walked away from it, sliding down the cliff, and looking around. I wandered from behind the homes, albeit there were barely there.

I took a chance to see how the village was doing, only to see several children and adults in tattered clothes, walking in the streets of the village, and or sleeping on the ground. What kind of trickery was this? Were those slaves? I have to look in more, I'm just too nosey.

I jogged behind and looked out again. It's so crazy to think this village is actually poor. Look at the designs of the home, it had colors, and mixes that look beautiful. It was like noblemen made this and abandoned it. I gulped at the sight, seeing multiple cages with horses in them, and peeked into a home that was across, seeing two elderly people playing a weird game of shogi it seemed.

As it was a board game. I shook my head, and went back up the cliff, using rocks to parkour up. I appeared out of nowhere and had no idea I'd be staring straight into Miela's panties. "Oops," I spoke. She shouted, and backed up. I jumped up and landed in her spot. Looking at them.

"Well damn, I ain't expect ya to be that bold!" Traci mocked. I just shrugged it off and looked at the girls. "Alright, it's safe. Let's go." I said. Traci got up, and looked down, "Uhhhh.. I ain't so sure I wanna jump down to uh.. fuckin' how do I say this? TO DEATH?" I just put my hand to my nose, a bit annoyed.

"Obviously, we just slide down the sloop over there," I answered, pointing to where I walked. Traci stopped, "Oh." She responded. I waved my arm, making the other two follow me, and we went to the slope, I looked down. "Oh, christ, I hope I don't dirty mah dress." She hoped.

I sighed, and jumped down, putting my arm up, and holing myself so I don't fall off the cliff. I slid down and fell back to where I was before. And, looked as Traci dropped right next to me, and Fiel giggled when sliding down with Miela. I looked back to Traci, and she was frantically checking her dress, looking around every spot to make sure she didn't dirty it.

I looked away, only to be met with a "AAHH!" I looked back. "Ssh. You'll get us caught." I warned her. "MAH DRESS! I MESSED IT UP!" She screamed. I looked over to see the stain...

It was only a small spot of dirt.

I looked over and began to sense several presences surrounding us. I switched to a dagger, "Shitt.." I said annoyed. Suddenly, several of the villagers, slightly tanned jumped out at us. I nearly attacked, but then one of the old men that were playing shogi walked out to me.

"Oh, calm down! We're just welcoming you to the village." He spoke. I stopped, "What?" I responded. "People always visit, just tell us your name, and we'll be glad to accept you." He said.

Seemed a bit fishy to me, but I couldn't find any reasons to be cautious to them. I just sighed, and put my hand to my chest. "I'm Xion," I spoke. Traci smirked, "And I'm Traci!" She said ecstatically. "I'm Miela, and this is my little sister Fiel." She introduced.

The villager seemed pleased, "Very nice to meet you, I'm Geltan. The village's chief, or so they call me Wise Man." He replied. I nodded, "I'm a Holy Knight on a quest, that is why I'm here." I reassured, bowing. The elder's eyes widened, "No, no! Do not bow, it is us who should bow. But, please, stay however long you like! Eh, our village may not be the best, but we make it good!" He respected me so quickly.

Jeez, Holy Knights must love their jobs.

I nodded, taking my bow away. "I'll be here until morning. My quest isn't too far from here, after all." I responded. The elder bowed, "Very well, I will prepare a home for you all to sleep in." He said. "Thanks," I replied. Walking into the village, I got a clear image of the village.

Although it may look good on the outside, it's people are still... Poor, I have seen alot on the streets, in brown tattered clothes. Miela looked a little saddened by this, "The people here must not have enough funds for everyone to have a home..." She said, glancing at all of the starving homeless.

I rubbed my head, what should I think of this? And then, Fiel tapped my leg. "Mr. Xion, remember what you told me?" She asked. I stopped, "Huh?" I answered. "It's good to be good. Even the smallest amount of things can have the best outcomes!" She told me. Right... Maybe, maybe I could help these people.

I do still have the funds Reijerd gave me. It'd be enough to buy several builders and give this place homes. But.. I might need this for later, who knows what'll happen. A small bit of silver and copper won't get me by at all. Damn it.. What should I.. What should I do?

The day was finally approaching night, it was still light out, but in thirty minutes or so, it'd be switched to the nice, dark moon. I looked to Fiel and sighed. "I'll think about it," I responded. Looking to the elder waiting for us, I turned to the girls.

"C'mon. It's soon to be night, and we have to be up bright and early to get to the North." I said. Traci nodded, "Yeah, lessgo.. I'm fuckin' beat." Miela followed Traci, and Traci followed me. As we walked to where the elder guided us, the thought of giving the money away and helping the village crept in my mind more than it should have.

But, as much as it'll help on their end, it won't help me. So, why should I do it? Ugh.. I was slightly getting agitated, but I hid it, and walked in front of a little home that the elder pointed us to. "This is your estate for tonight!" He said proudly.

Traci smiled, "Thank ya, old man!" She ran through the door and dropped onto the bed. I walked behind her and saw the inside design. It had a bookshelf, with no books, and a small desk with a lamp. Not to shabby for a place to stay for only one night. I did notice, there's only one bed.

"Sorry, but we couldn't fit two beds in one small home you see, so please don't take it too harshly." He said. I nodded, "RIght.." I pointed to the bed, "You three sleep there, I'll sleep on the floor." I said. Miela was surprised, "W-what.. Really?" She replied. I dropped to the floor, the boards were actually pretty comfy.

"Yeah. Don't sweat it." I told them. Traci was already passed out on the bed, Miela sighed, and got on the bed, Fiel going next to her. I looked to the lamp and turned it off. Leaving me in the dark night, with my own thoughts to keep me company. I was silent, for I had already chosen what I'd do in the morning.

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