
78 2 15

I took a step back, turning around and walking away, following the butler out on his way. But, before I walked out, when the butler already did.. The murderous intent grew back.

This time, I was so used to feeling the presence of people either as strong or stronger than me around, I began to stop getting shake throughout my body, but the sweat.. I don't know if that's stopping anytime soon.

I look back without turning my head. "Remember, I'm an A-rank, if you even dare to try to pull anything on us I'll end you on the spot." He threatened me. I deviously smirked once he told me that, I can't control when I do this..

I just do, an instant feel of joy surrounds my body as well.. Didn't God take away my emotions? Why can I still feel some of them.. Is it, perhaps..


I don't know, but I continued my leave, and closed the door behind me. I walked out, stepping across the hallway. Remembering my exchange with the butler.

"I wonder if he's going to fight in the war.." I questioned myself.. I turned to the left, and clashed with someone. I nearly got pushed back, but the person in question did..

And then, my eyes revealed who it was.. "Feldina?" I whispered, she nodded, looking away a bit scared. I sighed, grabbing her arm and lifting her up. "Watch your step next time." She was clearly surprised by my niceness. Guess I can't be a little gentle with my slave.

I looked to the right, seeing Celvan approaching me once again, handing me a piece of paper. "I have thought out a background for you if anyone questions it. Be sure to read this over at least ten times to mesmerize it.

Afterwards, come out to the yard, we're having a mock battle to determine where the soldiers will be ranked." He explained to me, I looked to Feldina who had her back hunched and looked as if she was scared. I just patted her head, pleasantly surprising her.

"I will be sure too." I spoke. Celvan smiled, turned the other way and took his leave. I looked to Feldina. "There's no need to be so scared near me." I told her, before she could answer, I turned around and walked back to my room. This background is important, I feel like some noble will ask.

I opened the door, a creak asounding out of it. I placed the paper down on a table, pushed the seat out, and sat down. Resting myself, looking to the left and seeing Feldina to my right. "W-What is that?" She asked. "Some background to cover what I've done in the past." I answered.

Feldina was obviously confused, "What.. Have you done in the past?" She asked. I looked away, staring into the paper. I remembered the demi-humans I slaughtered.. Their terrified faces, the blood, the rain... The children.

My eyes got cold, something it hasn't done in a while.. "It's better you don't know.." I spoke in a monotone voice. She gulped, knowing it was bad and didn't question it. I looked down to the paper and sighed.

"Alright.." I thought, looking to the paper slowly, starting from top. "You, Xion will start by saying you were a boy in a village, you lived a good life up until about a year ago, when your village was attacked by the Vampire Lord, it was burnt down and everyone was killed, except you.. You swore to protect anything that would have to go through what you were put upon.. Hearing that the Vampire Lord was attacking the South Kingdom made you want to help in anyway you could, so here you are." That was what it read, what an interesting back story.. It seemed Feldina read it as well..

"So, basically you're here to avenge your fallen village?" She asked. I nodded, "Seems so." I answered back. I looked over to her, "What about you, what's your background?" I asked her. She instantly became uncomfortable, and hunched over, fiddling with her finger tips.

Her expression grew a bit sad, and a hint of worry. I noticed that she probably had a bad life, why else would she be working as a thief? I sighed, crossing my arms, flicking my head up and slamming my leg on the table.

"It's fine, we'll be out in five minutes so be sure to get ready." I told her. She nodded, fairy surprised by my recent kindness.. To be honest, I don't know why I'm doing it.. She just.. Reminds me a lot of that girl I tried to save back before I got reincarnated..

Anyways, I needed five minutes to think... For one, this is my third day here.. And I've already gained the nickname "Grim Reaper" from my crimes.. It seems that soon I'll become more of a threat than I'd imagine..

I'd like to think... That here.. I'd be the antagonist of the story, and that I'm just waiting for the one true heroic protagonist to come along.. I'll know when I find him/her, and then.. It'll become my own little game, where I know I cannot kill them, but I can kill everyone they love.. Heh.. This is getting too easy.

I looked over, opened my eyes and got up. Pushed my chair in, and turned around to see Feldina with her little knives and dagger ready to train at the camp. I grabbed my cloak, and looked at it daringly.. And then, put it down.

People would probably know who I am instantly. I turned to her, and walked pass, patting her back. "C'mon, we don't want to be late." I spoke to her, trying my best to make a fake smile since I can't actually do one. I opened the door, the creaking noise really getting to my nerves a bit.

I exited the room, and looked across to the hall, nothing, but for some reason, I feel weird about going down it. But it's the only way to get to training, so I walked down. With this time, I decided to talk with Feldina, talk more with her. "So.. How did you end up joining the bandit group?"

I asked, she seemed hesitant to answer but did so anyways.. "I needed money to protect myself, and have a roof over my head." I nodded slowly, "Well, I'm glad I had made you my partner then." What. I missaid that. What did I- She looked shocked that I said then...

"Not like that though, but I'm not thinking off you much as a slave anymore, rather a sidekick." I spoke out. Putting my hands behind my neck. And then we approached the end of the hallway.

I saw a door, and opened it, only to have the sun brightly slap me in the face, with several men in armor, maybe about thirty of them, in a perfect stood still stance all aligned almost perfectly.

And there was that man.. In the place where the soldiers were..? Don't tell me he's apart of the training of today.. Who brother.. I sighed with annoyance, looking to the left and saw the dwarf known as Uldra standing still with confidence and a spirit none could break.

I walked over next to an empty spot of two, standing completely still with ease, Feldina, however was having trouble.. But, no one seemed to care. Then, Uldra spoke up with a manly voice like a USA veteran..

"TODAY! We are here to train to be able to fight on the frontlines of the war the East Kingdom has started!" He shouted, "AND FOR THAT..! WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO RANK YOU AND WHERE YOU STAND! So we'll be doing, mock battles." He answered, his voice lowered every now and then due to something I guess, his throat hurting I guess.

Each and every soldier here should be either C-rank or B-rank.. The man is the only one I know who is an A-rank..

This should be interesting..

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