The Journey to the North

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Straying away from the town, we hit it's gates. Several of the guards walked up to us, Fiel looked a tad bit uncomfortable. I sighed, "Dude, what's up with you constantly bringing different girls in and out of the town?" One spoke up to me.

 I then realized he was the one who clocked me out with Feldina. I sighed, "Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." I responded. He shook his head in disappointment, and the others patted us down, only finding the potions and such.

The guard nodded, and looked away. "Alright. Let the gates up!" He shouted, the others looked to a lever and pulled it, the gates slowly lifted. I looked to the girls, Traci seemed a bit happy several men was just patting her down.

Jesus Christ, someone get this girl an chill pill.

I silently walked into the trail path that lead into several others, there was a small plank that had several others attacks to it, pointing to the South Kingdom, the North Town, the East Town, and the West Town.

One thing I did notice is that each Town has there own capital-like thing. So if there's a West Town, most likely, the Kingdom of that town, will be just a few miles away. In my case it was ten miles. I turned to the north plank, and ventured through the trail, glancing behind me, I see that Miela was holding Fiel close to her

 "What's wrong?" I asked. She looked to me, "We have nothing to protect ourselves, I need to make sure Fiel is safe." I paused. Oh shit. I forgot the weapons, how did I forget the second most important thing on this list? I gulped, "Don't worry. I can protect you all." I reassured.

The sisters seemed to be put slightly at ease by it, I'm glad that worked. Having to constantly assuring them would have proved to be annoying. Whilst we were walking, there was a sign, stuck right into the ground, not even concrete like the others, with a warning. "WATCH OUT, WOLVES!" it read.

I sighed, I was planning on camping out here since the walk will take about two days, but it seems like we'll have to find an alternative. Traci walked up to me, "Heya, If we see wolves, don't kill them or whateva. Y'see, I gotta cool skill, so just wait for me to do som'n first." She told me.

I wanted to brush it off, but I recalled talking about demi-humans having nice nature abilities, so I'd like to see it first-hand. But, if those things come out of nowhere, I might have to let her do it next time...

Fiel was terrified at the thought of wolves, "No-! L-let's get back to the town, huh? Seems nicely cool there, and without DANGER?" Miela begged. I grunted in displeasure, slightly annoyed. "No. We have to complete this mission, and I'm trusting you guys to leave you alone at this town, alone. More reason enough, but if I do, whose gonna protect you? Where will you live? How will you survive with the right supplies while I'm gone for god knows how long?" I told them.

That seemed to shut Miela up, but Fiel was still shakin' her boots. I kneeled to her, and sighed. I'll regret this for later, but... I want her to be happy for right now. I summoned a dagger, well, not so much of a dagger, more like a dagger than could fit in her little hands, and rose it to her face. "Here. You can have this." I said, she looked up.

"R-really?" She asked. I nodded, "Protect yourself, and let us know if anything comes. You're our eyes now, okay?" I spoke. She wiped her tears, and smiled. "Alright!"

We continued to go deeper into the forest, it was finally beginning to become noon I assumed. The sun grew warmer, so I was most likely correct. The wind became stronger, Miela and Fiel's hair blew into the air, the dark blue color flowing like the ocean.

Nice.. It was quite peaceful, but that was interrupted as quick as it came.

First, it was small shuffles in the bushes, and of course, I sensed it, several bodies spying on us. My sensory never lies, but Traci said to wait. And, I'm sure she noticed the bushes rattling, because every once in a while Traci glanced to it. 

I glared at her, what's her plan?

I was deep in thought, and kept walking, until something from the corner of my eye jumped out. I turned to it, but back-flipped away. The girls are the main priority. Interesting, isn't it? Usually I'd just charge into battle, but now.. As several wolves walk up to me, I stood to protect the people.

One wolf, which had a lighter grey fur, and a right blind eye with a deep scar, and was bigger than all the other wolves barked at me. Traci's eats perked up. Traci breathed in and said, "Atol'io dosk sdos jusuk ui!" She shouted... (We ain't here to harm ya!)

What the fuck was that? What did she just say?

I was at a loss for words. The wolf growled though, "Jesus, Traci, what did you do?" I spoke. I backed up, pulling my arm over the girls faces, a sign that I was protecting them..

And a sign of hostlity.

I guess, the wolf took that as a challenge, and barked. One wolf shot towards me. I glared, switching my dagger from Fiel's hand to mine, and nearly striked it down, but Traci jumped in front of me, and pushed it away. "Poisu Ydor!" She yelled. (Please stop!)

I can't understand what she's saying, but either she apologized, or asked them to stop. Because, the leader barked again, and the pack left.

I was so close, to killing that one. It would've caused a war basically. Yeah... A war. The sudden flash of memories made me a bit sad. But, I shook it off, and threw the blade back into Fiel's arms. "C'mon! We still got places to go!" Traci shouted happily, and a bit freightened.

I nodded, "Yeah." I replied. Miela and Fiel looked to each other, and agreed. I looked around the forest as we walked, still a bit cautious of what happened. But, my sensory will keep me notified. "Hey, Traci?" I asked. I needed to question her about that saying she was doing.

It was obviously a language, but she's a goat-woman, how would she know?

"Yea?" She answered. "What's that, thing you were speaking?" I questioned. "Wait, ya mean mah skill? Thassa thing most dema-humans have, The Language of Nae-cha!" She said proudly. 

Langauge of Nature, huh? So, that means they can speak every, or some languages? I'm assuming that they also know human language off the bat aswell. So many questions, that will have to be answered later. I'm also curious for her other abilities, but only time will tell.

Following the trail to the North, we realized... There was a grassfield with a large hill. Traci and Fiel will most definitely have fun sliding down this. And, the site will be beautiful. We walked closer and closer to it, seeing as the forest slowly turned into a plain. I glanced up to the hill and walked up it, and looked down.

My eyes widened, "Holy..." I spoke quietly. "WOWWW!!" Fiel shouted happily. "That looks like a nice place." Miela commented. Traci just smirked at the site, it was a village. A nice looking one, had a few houses, but a beautiful pond, and the house designs were mind-blowing, the mix of colors, the shine, the art on the homes.

The gardens were also very well kept. But, this was not the address we were looking for, but it is a stop. Because, soon enough, it'll be night in a few hours. And, we'd have no where to go if we continued. I sighed, "This is our stop for a break. We'll be back on foot, tomorrow." I announced to them.

Fiel jumped with happiness, "YAYY!!" She shouted. Traci sighed with relief. "Thank god, my fuckin' legs were startin' to hurt."

Hopefully it's peaceful here.

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