𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓾𝓽

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The next day, I was ready to join the army. I slowly opened my eyes, the shining and beautiful sun glowing far into my bedroom. I rubbed my eye so my vision could come to.

I felt a warm breath on my side, and then realized.. "Oh right.." Feldina was to my side, sleeping next to me. I slowly scooted to the side, grabbing the sheet of the bed and pushing my self away, getting out of bed.

Since there was only one bed, we had to sleep together. It seemed as if she had a habit of cuddling.. And to be frank, I hated it. Looking around, I sighed, then a creak from the door behind me was heard.

I turned around slowly as the door opened. "Mr. Xion, your battle armor is ready." There he was, a kind gentleman who was a butler at the place I stayed at.

He looked exactly like those old men who were butler's in anime. Kind, with a white slick back hair, a towel on their left arm with a black and white suit.

I looked away sighing. "I don't need armor." I spoke back. I was fast, my flash-step could travel nearly twenty feet in a second. I don't think I need anything to protect me.

The butler glared, I felt it burning onto my back. "Please do wear it, it was made by an A-rank merchant!" He begged, boasting about it afterwards, slightly getting on my nerves. I glared, sighing from exhaustion and pure tiredness.

"Fine." I replied. "Please follow me." He said, opening the door wide for me to follow. I'm pretty sure I look like a badass right now anyways.. My pecked abs shining mixed with some sweat in the bright sun, my messy black hair gracefully flowing in the air.

I'm probably a narcissist. I grabbed my shirt, which was the bloody one, slipped it on and walked out. Following him, I rubbed my wrist, slamming and clashing blades multiple times in one day has made it hurt, each step gained louder and louder, the silence was really damn annoying.

We continued to walk down the seemingly endless hallway, it's weird how he didn't even want to pitch up an conversation, let alone his never-ending smile and happy expression.. So.. Weird.

We turned to the right, took three steps and then stopped, I was a bit confused, is the door next to us the stop? The butler seemed to have noticed something, however.

"Mr. Xion, if I may ask.." He spoke. I was skeptical, a small bit of killer intent entered my sensory.. I was beginning to get into the defensive, just in case.

Gulping, my heart beat increased slowly, my breath got sharper.. "Just yesterday we found one of our warriors injured and knocked out on top of a cliff, just two minutes before you came along.. He also described someone of similar imitation of your cloak.."

He explained to me, cat's out of the bucket now.. I have to explain my- then, the killer intent got stronger. Almost as strong as the intent of that random feeling I got in that hallway, sweat dripped down my head, it was so strong. I glared at him.

And then, he turned around quickly, flash stepping backwards and I threw my hands back, a dagger appearing in my right hand and I threw it forward for any oncoming attacks. The butler threw three small knives at my direction.

I gripped my blade, flicking it and slicing one of them, I dodged to the left on the other and sliced my blade upwards, successfully deflecting them all somehow..

And, then the butler smirked. I was confused, until his killer intent lowered to none. I kept my blade in my hand though, I know there's people in this world that's good at hiding their murderous intent.

"Well then, I guess it was you. Anywho, Reijerd can be quick to conclusions and fight someone. I'll let it slide, come along, we have important people waiting." He explained, turning around and strolling along. Still, I was a bit caught off guard from that exchange..

If we had gotten into a fight then and there.. I don't know if I could have won. His speed nearly caught me by surprise. I sighed with relief, following him. Just a few more steps, and he stopped, turned to the right and opened a door.

He gently opened it, I saw inside, the sun shined into the hallway. I felt it again, that terrifying feeling of dread down my spine back in the town. Seems like I found the source.

I glared at it, a figure was on a chair, turned around facing the sun, like some dramatic villain. He turned his chair over, holding a cigar in his left hand, taking a puff and heaving a large puff of smoke out. He smirked, "So you're the acclaimed "Grim Reaper" hm?"

I was a bit confused, Grim Reaper? "What do you mean?" I asked. He chuckled, putting his cigar down. "You mean, you don't know? Surely, you know about a demi-human village that was purged, a bandit group that was killed, and a girl kidnapped... In just two days. A waitress came out and said that someone that fit your description with the same clothes on came inside and threatened to kill her and her family.." He spoke out to me.

I glared, so this was a trap? No, couldn't be. They wouldn't have put out a mission for a war out so fast when I killed the bandit group. So, there's still a war, but they pinpointed a criminal like me here.. Interesting.. "You guys are fast, and smart." I spoke, the butler closed the door behind me.

His intent growing aswell.. "Well, I guess it's going to be one-sided then.." I spoke. The man stood up, "Indeed.." He answered... But then.. The butler clapped, "I'm so glad we were able to get you into our team!" We said, the man smiled.

"Yes, I am very pleased to know we have someone as strong as an A-rank here." He explained to me. Wait, so they aren't going to try and kill me, "But because of your background, we're going to have to be evasive about your past, make up some story, Celvan." The man told the butler. The butler nodded and bent over 30 degrees. "I will get to it immediately!" He claimed.

Wow.. What a stress that was..

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