Ch9-Goku's Ultra instinct

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You turn slowly. "Hoho monkey. How long has it been? Its been a long time. We should catch up."

"Kakarrot, lets just get this over with. If everyone teams up on him, we should be able to beat him with relative ease." Vegeta states.

You smirk. "Is that what you think? Come here then. I dare you." His scowl deepens. "All right. Kakarrot, stay back. I wanna put this bastard in place." His hair turns pink.

"Hoho Vegeta, I didn't take you as gay. Though, it does make sense considering how you try to act all tough all the time. And you are stuck in a marriage where you don't seem happy. Yes, I've seen you and your wife argue. Right before the TOP. It makes sense if you think about it."

His eye twitches. "Shut up." He flies forward. You decide to unveil your new form. "Behold, BLACK FRIEZA!"

Class 1-a
"Seems kinda culturally insensitive doesn't it? Turning black." Jiro says.

"Can Frieza say the N word now?" Kaminari asks, who is hit on the back of the head by Jiro. Kirishima looks around.

"Wheres Deku and Bakugo?"

Back at the fight
"Vegeta! Get back!" Goku yells. He stops for a moment. "What?"

"Do you not see that new form of his? Let me try fighting him." Gohan unexpectedly says. "Pfft. Hell no." Vegeta responds.

Faster than any of the Z fighters can see, Frieza's hand is sticking through his stomach. You toss him aside.

"Krillin, give him a senzu!" Goku yells. You power down into Golden Frieza. "Come at me Goku." His hair turns white. 'Is that the MUI form? No, its something different entirely.'

"Incase your wondering, this form is 'True Ultra Instinct.' For Ultra Instinct to work, I need my heart to be calm and tranquil. But in this form, I can put my emotions to work for me. And believe me...

"My heart's not calm."

You clap at his speech. "Hmm it seems Golden Frieza is not enough to handle True ultra instinct. I'm disappointed in myself really. Oh well." You power back into black Frieza. You glance over to Vegeta, who is getting up with a healed stomach wound.

Vegeta charges at you, and so does Goku. You punch their stomachs. They pass out. "Hmph, I expected more. What about you monkeys?" You look over to see Broly and Gohan. As well as Krillin, Majin Boo, and Piccolo. But Majin Boo is asleep.

Piccolo changes into an orange form. "Come on Gohan." They charge at you. You dodge several blows from both of them, clearly they are used to working together.

You slice the orange namekians arm off. It regrows back instantly. You get punched in the face by Gohan, who is in a form you've never seen before.

It sends you flying back. You stand up. Chuckling you lunge toward the namekian. You knock him out. Gohan punches but you dodge easily.

"Monkey, let me put things into perspective. The difference between me and you is like the difference between an abusive father and his starving, malnourished child. There is no way you can win." You explain, in actuality, the difference was more like Golden Frieza and SSB Goku when they first met. Or Jiren against MUI Goku. Close in power, but both cases ended up with the weaker one winning, only this time, you wont get exhausted from your form.

He gets up. "What the hell was that comparison? Whatever, I know I cant beat you. But I'm not trying to." He points toward Goku and Vegeta, who are doing a strange dance. "Curious." You say perplexed.

Suddenly, a brilliant light shines and one figure appears. Its sorta looks like both of them... wait... is that the fusion technique?

It smirks. "We haven't been properly introduced yet... I'm Gogeta!" You raise your eyebrow. "Goku and Vegeta combined... had Vegeta finally learned to swallow his pride?"

He chuckles. "Krillin, Piccolo, Broly, watch this!" He powers up and his hair turns silver and pink. "I'm ultra Gogeta." He appears forward. "True ultra instinct and Ultra Ego, I dodge and do damage, and if I get hit I get stronger!"

He is roughly your power, give or take a few million. "DIE!" A loud, annoying, familiar voice yells. An explosion goes off in your face. "Oh if it isn't one of my classmates that I hate so." His eye twitches. "UNITED STATES OF... SMASH!" A fist collides with the back of your head.

Gogeta is stunned by everything that just happened. "Kid, All Might, get out of here! Its not safe!" Gogeta shouts frantically. He cant use his ultimate move if they are here.

You smirk. "All might, what happened? How are you alive? I suppose it doesn't matter. I kill you better this time. Did the dwarf give you a bean? Of course he did. He is hundreds of times stronger than you, and all he can do is give you a bean and stand back while you fight. Quite pathetic actually." You look in the midgets direction. He looks at the ground.

"Well y'know I've gotta a kid and stuff..." he mumbles. "Save it. After I kill these three, the namekian, monkey hybrid and broly, you're up."

You flick all mights forehead and it explodes. "No bean can save you now. As for you..." you turn towards the angry blonde. "I've always hated you. Ever since I laid my eyes on you."

You grab his hand. "You are just a self centered," *crack* you broke one of his fingers "egotistical," *crack* "asshole." *crack*

He looks you dead in the eye. "Funny. I could say the same thing to you." He says defiantly. You smile and slightly turn your head. "Wrong answer." A sickening mix between a crack and a squish sound is heard.

Bakugo's eyes widen. The shock of losing an arm appeared to be too much for the child to bear. "Normally, I kill children quickly. But you... I just hate you." You fire a ki beam through his chest. You walk over to him.

"Don't wanna make the same mistake I did with All Might." You bring your foot up and *bam* a fist collides with your face.

"Cmon Frieza, don't forget about me!" Gogeta yells. You throw him away. "Guess I have to stop monologuing." You crush his head quickly.

"You bastard FRIEZA!" He charges up a ki beam. "FINAL... KAMEHAMEHA!" Huge beam strikes you.

You don't have any time and are forced to bear the blast. You get up after the blast. "Fucking monkey. You dare make me put any effort into a fight?! I'll kill you and the rest of your detestable race." You see Goku and Vegeta. You smirk.

"Whats wrong Goku? Vegeta? Something happen to your fusion?" You walk over and kick Goku's stomach. "Y'know, this reminds of Namek. I guess I did say I would stop monologuing, so have fun in this hell!" You charge up a blast. Suddenly a fist hits your face.

Krillin quietly gathers Gohan, Piccolo, Goku and Vegeta. "Frieza... I wont let you." Broly announces.

I always thought Frieza's name was a pun on fries. Now I know its Freeza and its a pun on Freezer.

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