Ch8-Finally free

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"I've been in this miserable place for four whole years. Does Goku really think I need that much time to catch up to him? No. Thats pathetic. I've surpassed him two whole years ago! There is still others. That Gohan... that Broly... That Beerus...

"I need to surpass them all."

"Good job Goku. You've managed to go into a state of perfected ultra instinct, at will! Thats more than Beerus has done." Meerus says.

Goku scratches the back of his head. "Awww, gee, really? Thanks! There is about 6 days left until the time limit on my ability breaks free and Frieza escapes."

"How come you could send him to the other dimension for longer than ten days if there's a time limit?" Meerus asks.

"Its difficult to explain. The time room is way beyond our universes size so its more difficult. Other earth is a little smaller." Goku explains.

"Ahh. That makes sense, we should continue training for five more days. Then we can fight Frieza, you notified Gohan, right?" Meerus asks.

"Uhh yeah, I think. I don't remember, he said something about getting his own form but I told him 'nows not the time to mess around, this is the Frieza that completely humiliated you a while back!' But he shook his head and says thats what he needs to do." Goku shrugs. "If anything goes wrong I guess I can use the new ability I've gained from training."

"Good job. You've gotten better at your new form. Master in how long? Four, five days left?" Beerus asks.

"Six. I need to leave after the fifth day. I will have this form mastered by then." Vegeta corrects. "Yeah, yeah." Beerus leans in and puts on a serious face. "Master this and show Goku and the angels the power of destruction."

Alright just imagine the super hero movie. Here's the gist of what you need to know*spoiler*

Gohan gets a new form that is potentially stronger than MUI Goku. Idk. For this story it will be stronger. Akira Toriyama said that the fight against Cell Max was the strongest fight in history. And it takes place after the Granolah arc. I wouldn't consider the fights with black Frieza fights, I would consider them more like stepping on an ant.

Mha verse
"I'm gonna kill that Frieza bastard!" A loud mouthed blonde, Bakugo, yelled. "Kacchan, you cant! Not even All Might could hurt him!" Midoriya reasons.

"All Might is weak then. When I saw that Frieza bastard, I knew something was up! Why else would he constantly be calling us monkeys? And how he defeated that bird brain? I could've defeated that thing too."

Midoriya sighs. "You're impossible, Kacchan."

Pro heroes
"All righty, we have gathered all who are willing to fight Frieza. Here we list:

Andrew Tate, Kickboxing hero

Homelander, American hero

Captain Manatee, fast hero

Ahh, and Goku gave us another list,





Majin Boo




And Krillin" All might finishes. Those are the strongest heroes.

His advisor looks skeptical. "Are you really sure someone named 'Krillin' could defeat Frieza? I mean, he is literally named after shrimp!"

"I trust Goku. We all have to." All might stares off into the distance, he can use OFA at full power again, but soon the last ember of OFA will die and it will only exist in Midoriya.

And so, six days pass
"Its been ten whole years! Do I really need this long? I've already long surpassed whatever potential Gohan has and I've most likely caught up to Beerus...

So then who's left?" You sit down. Just then you are sucked through a hole. You smile, for the first time in ten years. "Hoho monkeys! I have arrived!"

A skeletal man turns. "F-Frieza!" He turns into... All Might? "Goku isn't here yet! Dammit. United states of... SMASH!" He yells. You can tell he put more than all he has into that punch.

Instead of making contact with your face, it goes right through you. "Do you know how long its been? Do you know what kind of torture that monkey has put me through? You couldn't even begin to imagine." You move so fast its like you teleported behind All might.

"Ten years." A sickening squelch is heard. All might looks down. He sees a hand through his stomach. "No matter what you do now, you will die." You whisper into his ear.

He coughs out blood. "Young Frieza! I am sorry that you have fallen down this path of villainy, I truly am, but! If you think I am going stand by as you kill every hero and your classmates, you are wrong!"

This makes you pause. "In my other world, I am well above fifty. I was about eight when father gave me planet Vegeta. Five years later, I destroyed it."

I'm tryna make some sort of timeline. Just imagine hes three years older than Vegeta because I saw him as a little kid in the show or smth

His mouth drops. You smirk. "I could have easily done that. But I didn't. Now tell me, why is that?" You say rhetorically.

"Because I want to humiliate every hero on this planet. I want to humiliate Goku! And Vegeta! And whoever else he brings to this godforsaken planet!"

You laugh. "Ho, I guess you wont be able to see it. Shame really." You fire a beam through his heart. "Sorry All Might. You wont see the second rising of Lord Frieza!" He collapses.

Suddenly you hear a voice from behind you. You see three heroes. A bald mostly naked one. One with a blue suit and american flag cape and a really fat one.

"Look 'lord' Frieza, I consider myself stronger than All Might. So even though you killed him, I will be the one to end you." Bald one says. "Homelander, Manatee, stay back."

He charges forward and punches faster than the eye can see. "Hmph pathetic." You slap him away.

Fat one charges forward, much faster than All Might and Baldy combined. And you don't even need to worry. Just sidestep. He misses and you punch his side. His guts fly everywhere.

So called Homelander flies toward you. "Listen, Frieza, I don't know what you want, but spare the heroes, or most of them. Like me and the kids. Y'know? They didn't do anything wrong and are only doing whats best for humanity." He tries to reason.

You smile. "Ahh you see, I don't care about humanity. Thats where your argument flaws." His face pales. Baldy gets up. He quickly smiles.

"Ah Andrew come here." Homelander flies over and brings him over to you. "I don't care about humanity either." He crushes Andrews head. "See?"

"I hate traitors." You fire a death beam over to his heart. It hits. He collapses. "Fucking dammit!" He releases a super scream. He gets up and fires his laser beam out his eye.

"Nice try." You catch the beam and redirect it to his brain. "By the way, I see a helicopter up there. They were recording this fight the whole time. They know about your treason."

His eyes widen. Then, relax, with a tear coming out. He died. You fly up to the helicopter. "Let this world know their new ruler. Lord Frieza! I will kill any hero that does not bow down to me!"

"No Frieza, you wont." A familiar voice says.

Ay sorry I've been gone for a while. Had pneumonia. Still not fully recovered. See ya next time. I have ending down already.

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