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This takes place after the dragon ball super: Broly movie.

???: hey Vegeta!

Vegeta turns around and looks at Goku. "What do you want, Kakarrot?" "Well, I've been thinking-" Vegeta laughs "Thats a first."

Goku rolls his eyes and says "Everytime I start a sentence with 'Ive been thinking' you say that!" Vegeta then responds with "Next time I'll say 'thats a second'."

"Alright whatever. Right so what if we use the super dragon balls to transport Frieza into a place where he can become good?" Vegeta looks at his friend.

"Kakarrot, one that is a waste of a wish and two, Frieza will hold a grudge against you for all of time. Hell, im willing to bet he would find a way to get back just to hunt you down." Goku then says, completely ignoring Vegeta, "We can make him the age he needs to be to become good." Vegeta sighs and says "I cant talk you out of this but im not gonna help you."

Goku flies off in search of Bulma and the super dragon radar. He eventually finds Bulma and explains. "Thats a dumb wish Goku." She says, but eventually gives you the dragon radar. She even agrees to fly you in a ship. After a few months of searching, you found all 7.

"Wooh, that took a little longer than I expected. Takes ya back huh? Hunting dragon balls all those years ago."

"Ah Goku I just realized we need Whis." Goku tilts his head back. "Oh yeah I forgot about that." Bulma thinks for a moment. "Goku, next year, you are going to take me to find them. Or im not gonna get Whis."

"Geez Bulma, you didnt even need to add that last part. Of course i'll help you." Bulma offers Whis some food, then asks him to come down. Of course he does.

"Hey wheres Lord Beerus?" Goku asks. "Oh he's asleep again. I see you have been collecting the super dragon balls. I also know the reason you brought me here was not for the food. Alright, I guess I can help you."

"Berryblue, how long until we reach my homeworld?" You ask. She checks something and says "Roughly Half an hour my lord." Suddenly, you begin to glow. "What the hell is this? Oh no. Did that monkey wish for me, LORD FRIEZA, to die!?" You yell as you disappear.

Frieza in MhaWhere stories live. Discover now