Ch5-Goku in Mha?!

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Time passed in the blink of an eye. The festival was tomorrow. You are walking home after a long day of school.
"Hey Frieza!" That voice. You hoped to never hear that voice again. You turn around and see Goku along with a hippie, Piccolo and Broly. "So this little dude is Frieza huh? Also, why do I look 15 again?" Goku sighs "I told you Yamcha, I can change people age." "Oh so banishing me to this wretched place isnt enough? You have to kill me yourself? Fine. I do need to tell the school. Would be a shame if they spent resources on me." You are desperately thinking of a way out of here. 'I could handle Piccolo and this Yamcha guy, but Goku has gotten stronger and Broly is stronger than Goku. I have been training with the hard guy. In 4 months I got golden Frieza. I later mastered it. By training with it activated, it grew to even higher heights.' "Oh well. I guess death at the hands of you two monkeys would be preferable to staying here. I havent committed any sins here. Will I be going to hell?" Goku laughs. "We're not here to kill you. Broly wanted to see the eyes of the world through a 15 year old again, Yamcha wanted to be included and Piccolo wanted to see if you were still a threat. Well Frieza. Would you spar with me?" You smile. 'Another chance to hit the monkey. Yay.' You opened your mouth to speak but a ringing sound came from your pocket. Your classmates forced you to "buy" a phone.
|Yo Frieza! We are coming to your house soon| it said. You obviously didnt check it. Instead, you put it on silent. "All right monkey. Dont hold back on me now. Lord nows I wont." You power into Golden Frieza. He powers into Super Saiyan Blue.
"Comin at ya!" He yells. He charges at you. You barely manage to block all of the attacks. 'Damn this monkey. Hes gotten stronger!' You go on the offensive.
You punch and kick for a while. He is blocking them all. "You've perfected Golden Frieza huh? Good job. I know you've been holding back. I am too. Lets stop." You both yell "HAAAAAA" while charging up. "Lets go Frieza." "Dont taunt me monkey!" You scream and fly toward him. "You Frieza! Whos this?" You stop mid punch. "Dammit. Why is Midoriya here?" Goku powers down. "Oh Frieza, these your friends?" You dont power down. "No. They are annoyances."

"Ha. The might Frieza has gone soft? How the mighty has fallen." Piccolo says.

"Shut up green man." You say towards Piccolo, but Midoriya takes offense. "Hey, what do you mean?"

"Hey are you Frieza's best friend?" Goku asks Midoriya. "Yes!" He answers instantly. "Shut up monkey!" You screech at him.

Goku just laughs it off. "Yeah Frieza is a real meanie at first. He's nice once you know him."

"Dammit saiyan are you not listening?! I HAVE NO FRIENDS!" You yell angrily. Midoriya answers Goku. "Yeah he used to threaten to kill me. Not really anymore."

"Am I invisible? Can you hear me?" You fire a beam at midoriyas foot. Missing only by an inch. Not because you care, but because if Goku, piccolo, and broly teamed up, you would die for sure. You could probably kill Yamcha.

"Jeez Frieza!" He says, stepping back. "Hey kid wanna fight?" Goku asks. "Sure but I dont think you will win. Sorry but I am not being arrogant, it is a fact!"

Midoriya charges at him. Goku simply dodges and knees his stomach. Midoriya recovers and tries to kick his face. "One for all!" He yells and Goku catches it. Midoriya breaks his arm. "Woah buddy! Dont use power you cant handle! Here, have a senzu." He throws a small bean to him.

He throws one to you too. He eats one. "Cmon Frieza, rematch." He says. You sigh and eat the bean. "Woah I'm all healed." Midoriya says amazed.

"All right monkey, if I win take me back home. If I lose then you win. Deal?" You bargain. He smiles. "Sure." He says. "Thats not fair at all." Midoriya mutters.

You smile and go into Golden Frieza. "That golden form!" Midoriya says. "I can do it too kid." Goku says. He transforms into SSJ2. "Cool!" Midoriya says.

He transforms into SSB. "Continue." He says. You fly towards him. Punch after punch, kick after kick, Goku responds with a punch or kick of his own.

You dodge behind him and fire a huge beam. He isnt there. "Hah monkey." You begin to laugh maniacally.

"Behind you." He says. You turn around. His hair is white. "Uh oh." You say. Realizing you cant win.

He dodges every punch you make and counters. He eventually defeats you from just being incredibly overpowered.

"Stupid fucking monkey!" You screech. You fly off. "Hah, bye Frieza!" You hear Goku yell. 'Damn that miserable monkey. I must achieve that ultra instinct. Maybe half a year of training. I need someone strong.' You think.

Frieza in MhaWhere stories live. Discover now