Chapter 17: Alone at last

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sorry. It comes with the job, ya know?" You turn to face him bemused. "What? I'm kidding."

"I don't need jokes, Sun. I need reassurance and trust." He frowns as you sigh in defeat. You clasp his hand. "You and I are in a good place right now, but that doesn't mean our issues are fixed. We haven't set boundaries or truly known one another. You have your secrets and I have mine. I won't hound you about them, but if it affects everyone you need to let us know. Let me know." You squeeze his hand concerned about the end of the mission. "Trust is a two-way street."

Sun's features contort from annoyance to conviction. "I know. I just want you to trust me, give me time. I'm not trying to deceive anyone." He rubs his thumb over your knuckles. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, don't resent me." His words echo, uncanny to Macaque's quote. He begged you to do the same for him.

You sweetly kiss the tip of his nose. "I won't resent you." You cooed. He smiles fondly, grateful to have you believe in him every step of the way. He presses his head against yours and hums content. Your auras tangling into one. Since the day you touched his hand, you're rejuvenated by his light. It was home to you. The tender moment is ruined by your friend's "awes" in the background.

"You guys are so cute." MK squeaked.

"Ugh, calm down, bud," Sun grunted half embarrassed by the audience. "We were just talk'n."

Tang wiggles his brows and says, "sure it was."

"Alright, why don't you take a seat and get something to eat." You nudge Sun to a chair and show him how to roast marshmallows. He starts to drool at the scent. Once it's a brown color, you feed him. "Now you try." You hand over the reins to join Pigsy by the T.V.

Unfortunately, MK's complaints were voiced over the program. Pigsy inevitably shushes the brunette. Not a minute passes when MK takes a closer inspection at Change's kitchen. He gasps dramatically recognizing an ornament as the Samadhi ring. "Guys look there, it's the ring."

"The second ring of Samadhi is in Change's kitchen?" Pigsy scratches his head quizzically.

Tang geeks out knowing their next destination to be somewhere exciting. "You know what this means? We are going to-"

"The celestial realm!" MK exclaimed.

"No MK. The ring is in space." You corrected.

"In space? We're really going in space this time?" The brunette dances in his stance, unable to contain himself.

Pigsy frantically gathers his belongings for the mission just as siked. "I can't believe it. We're going to Change's kitchen. To the moon."

Mei steps forward asking the real question on everyone's mind. "Hey MK, now that you're smarty boy how exactly are we supposed to get to the moon?"

Before MK can answer, Sun responds, "In a rocket."

"well, that's obvious, but how?" You pried.

"Just build a rocket with the van and we'll fly up there." Sun uses a potato chip to portray a ship landing on the moon.

"Are you drunk?" Your question goes unanswered proceeding with the spaceship plan.

"Oh you mean the powers I don't have anymore?" MK sarcastically said.

Sun groans, irritated at his pessimistic son. "Believe in yourself, bud. The way I believe in you." His words sound hollow as he lectured the lad, yet continues, "you got your gold vision back cause you needed to save your friends. Now you need to get to the moon. So chop! Chop! Don't think just feel it."

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now