183 | Battle of Royals

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     So without wasting any more time, Joon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. As soon as he opens his eyes back, he looks at the members of Busters, memorizing where they are and what movements they were making. When he finally locked his target, he shouts, "PHD! Clear the table!"

     The members of PHD were surprised when they heard what their leader instructed, but as soon as they heard it, the princes immediately pulled out metal balls from their pockets that were just as big as a ping pong ball. Without any hesitation, the members threw it at Buster's base, using their slingshots and bows.

     Busters were flustered because they knew exactly what Clearing the table meant, but before they could even do anything, the metal balls fall to the ground, and cold bluish smoke instantly oozes out of them, making not only the members of Busters but also the members of PHD, unable to see the grounds.

     "Run!" A member of Buster's shouted.

     Joon, who didn't move a single muscle, pulls out his gun. He takes a deep breath, and in an instant, he pulls the trigger five times with great accuracy.

     Everyone in the stadium was silent as the cold smoke brought literal chills to the audience. But as soon as the smoke cleared, everyone's mouth drops when they saw five members of Busters now bleeding on the floor. With the help of the other princes from the earlier encounter, only Tanis and Viktor were left standing.

     "No way, he predicted where they were going to run?" Kingston says in disbelief as everyone looked back at the ice prince.

     Joon reaches out to his nose and wipes the blood off with the back of his hands. It's not exactly a superpower, but whenever Joon clears the table, he uses, 100% of his focus and concentration. It's effective, but the aftermath is risky.

     "T-two left," Joon says while massaging his temple. He looks back at his members and realized that all the members of Dangerous Five were now knocked out by the chess pieces. Of course, there were still five of them left, but it annoyed him how the kings barely even moved away from their place and just controlled the chess pieces.

     "Move forward!" Joon shouts right after.

     Now that most of the members of Busters are down, Killshot and Blade could finally run towards their enemy's base. The disadvantage now is that they both use long-range weapons, which means...

     "Looks like the game's over," Tanis says as he pulls out two daggers before running towards Killshot and Blade.

     Most of the members of Busters know how to use guns, but they're better at close-range combat, which is advantageous when it comes to fighting PHD. The reason for this is because the kings specialize in one thing, and that's quick and stealthy combat. That's why others usually refer to them as...assassins.

     "Looks like we have another problem," Joon says when he noticed one of the kings standing from the ground, tying his wound with the handkerchief that he had in his pocket so it wouldn't bleed out.

Hedeon Stallion, the king who holds the title "The Destroyer," as well as the younger brother of the queen Violet Stallion of Vixens, looked completely unfazed as he stood up from his seat. He didn't even look like he was injured.

     "I shot them in an area that would be painful enough to make them immobile, but I should have expected that Hedeon would be able to suck it up," Joon says while staring at Hedeon who was getting ready to fight.

     As Hedeon ran towards PHD's base, Joon looks back at Ren and Aki who were the ones guarding the base. He didn't even have to say anything for them to know what to do. So while Killshot and Blade fought off Tanis, and Ren and Aki fought with Hedeon, Joon took a deep breath and took the chance to run to where Viktor was.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now