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I smiled at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. "Okay Cardia, you've got this, you're going to be great today. You're not going to hide behind your shell. You're going to be great today" I whispered to myself like I do every morning before leaving home. I checked my look again in the mirror to make sure nothing is out of place.

Curly brown hair in a bun. Check.
Glasses in place. Check.
Not looking like a fashion disaster. Double check.

I sighed and looked at my phone screen, my wall paper was the last picture I took of Mama. She was beautiful. "Don't worry Mama, I'll be social today, I'll talk to people and not only nod all the time" I said as I imagined she was talking to me.

'baby, I know you have a reserved personality but I want you to be a little more social. Talk to people, don't nod to every word. Best of all, be yourself'

Having a pep talk with Mama has been a norms for me seeing that I have been an introvert from childhood but recently I have started to grow out of my shell.
..or I think I'm starting to grow out of my shell.

"Cardia! Your ride is here" my aunt Caroline called from outside the bathroom door, simultaneously knocking frantically. I could hear her baby screaming too. "I'll be out in a few" I shouted back.

I came out and met her looking exhausted with her baby on her hip. Aunt Caroline was not an aunt by blood. She was my Mama's friend. She and my other aunt Marissa aka Rissa were friends of my Mama since high school.

Mama had just given birth to me (yes, my Mama was only 17) and her friends had turned their backs on her, that was when aunt Caroline and Rissa stood up for her and stuck with her. Both of them have been taking care of me since Mama's death. Aunt Caroline handle everything that has to do with housing for me, while aunt Rissa handles everything that has to do with schooling.

I kissed her baby on the cheek, "what's the matter Jamie?" I said to the baby. "She's teething" aunty Caroline said still bouncing Jamie on her hip, "you rock aunt Caroline!, I know you can handle it" I said and left her, "don't forget your breakfast Cardia!" She yelled after me. "Okay, bye" I said and went into the kitchen to grab the bag she put my breakfast in.

"About time!" Aunt Rissa yelled when she saw me. I grinned at her and got into the car. "Sorry I delayed" I said, I took the back seat and brought out my breakfast to eat as she drove.

"This bad habit of yours" she mumbled. Aunt Rissa looked chic in her power suit as she drove. Her red hair had been cropped short and her bangs made her more beautiful, causing her green eyes to look smaller.

"You're ready for today, yeah?" She said and I nodded. Catching myself, "Yes I am" I replied. "How are you coping without your guitar?" She asked and I sighed. My only true companion that I told every feeling to was my guitar and it broke two weeks back. "I feel like I'm in constant pain without it" I said lightly but I actually meant what I said.

Aunt Rissa looked at me in the eye from the mirror but I acted like I didn't know she was trying to access my emotion. "I'm fine aunt Riss, I swear" I said and she focused on the road again. "I'm just really worried about you, it's been a year...". "Eleven months, it has been eleven months" I corrected her and she sighed.

"It's been eleven months, I know your mom was all you had but I don't want you to remain like this. Clinging on the someone that has left" she said and I pressed my lips together, the way Mama used to do when someone was badmouthing her and she didn't want to talk back.

"I know you think I'm miserable" I said and she shook her head, "I didn't say that" she defended herself. "But I'm not, I'm not miserable. I have friends too" I said and she shook her head again. "My friends are Ashley and Tess" I said and she sighed. "The girls from church" she said and I nodded. "Yes, girls from church and they are the best friends for me, They see and understand me" I said and she sighed again.

"Have you ever thought of pursuing something of your mom's?" She asked and I shook my head. "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. "you're young, you'll get over it and please quit shaking your head" she said. "I'll never get over it" I whispered.

"See you after school" she said as soon as we got to school. I got down from the car and waved at her. "Don't forget to eat lunch" she said and I nodded. I set a smile on my face as soon as I got down from the car and went straight to the school building. "World prettiest brown girl!" Ashley screamed the moment we sighted each other. "Hi Ash" I hugged her.

"Biology, set, go!" She said and pulled me all the way to our biology class while running. I laughed as we ran through the hall with Ashley making sounds of a siren and screaming get out of the way to innocent bystanders. Some got hit, some got lucky.

When we finally got to class, both of us ran to our seats and collapsed on the seats still laughing. "Ashely! Do you ever do that again" I laughed and gasped at the same time. "I knew you needed it, that smile you had on was as fake as Mr Baldwin's hair" she said and pointed to our biology teacher who was just entering the class.

"Plus, I saved us from coming late. You're welcome" she said cheerfully. Mr Baldwin started to teach when I felt someone kick my seat, "Ash stop" I hissed at her and she slipped a paper to me. "Read it kiddo" she said and I turned to give her the 'who-are-you-calling-kiddo' look.

I don't really know what happened to you this morning but I want to remind you of that scripture.
Romans 12:12. Rejoicing in Hope, patient in tribulations, continue instant in prayer.
We're praying for you always. Love, your best best bestest friend Ashley

I read the note and felt peace. "I choose to rejoice" I said a bit too loudly and everyone burst out laughing. "Hush" Mr Baldwin said. "Thanks Ash" I said. "That's what friends are for, reminding you to smile always" she said.

After school, I went to Tess place to check on her since I didn't see her at school today. When I got into the house, I saw her on the couch watching TV. "Why didn't you come to school?" I asked and sat on the couch with her. "I'm on my period" she said and I laughed, "Really Tess? Really?" I asked. "Yeah, being a teenager is not I wanted to follow up Steffany Gretzinger's ministration on Jesus Image" she said and I squealed. "You have to replay it, you know I love Steffany" I said and she sighed. "Okay".

When it was evening, I left Tess's place and went home. "Aunt Caroline I'm home" I announced myself and went into the house. "We are over here" Aunt Caroline responded and I followed the sound of her voice. They were in the dining area. By they, I mean Aunt Caroline and Aunt Rissa.

"Hi" I said shyly and walked to where they were. "Sit" aunt Rissa said and I obeyed. "What's going on?" I asked, feeling scared. "This is what is going on" they held out the photocopied version of a form that I had gotten for a new school.

"Oh, I was going to tell you guys about it, I just..." I trailed off, "Cardia, what else are you hiding?" Aunt Rissa asked and I bowed my head, feeling sad. "I wanted to tell you that... I got the admission" I said and bit my lips.

You might be wondering what's the big deal about a new school? Well it's not just a new school, it's moving to a new town. "Oh honey" Aunt Caroline said and put her hand on her chest, "I was going to tell you, I swear" I said, I knew aunt Caroline was very tender and hurting her was the last thing I wanted.

"It's not just about the admission Caroline. She lied to me. What do you have to say about this?" Aunt Rissa said and brought out my Mama's diary for placed it on the table. "Wait... that's Natalia's diary.... oh no" aunt Caroline said and I bowed my head. "Why did you lie to me?" Aunt Rissa asked again.

I knew I was in big trouble. Aunt Rissa loved me a lot but she was very strict and didn't take anything lightly with me.

Yellooooo gorgeous or handsome.....

Welcome to chapter 2

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CARDIA: The Mafia's Heart✓Where stories live. Discover now