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|Two nights later|
|Alvira Toussaint|
|Escape Room - Tora-i|

I walked out the kitchen after hydrating myself. I rubbed my right eye with effect I felt sleepless. I do not feel okay. I missed her, classes did not feel the same without her. I miss holding onto her, it makes me feel at ease as if my problems have evaporated. I walked back to my room before I could close the door, my phone screen was on. I approached my phone, I was unfamiliar with the number. I answered anyways.

"Is this Ms Toussaint?" A male voice asked on the other side.

I cleared my throat, avoiding to sound like rusted material, "Speaking."

"Oh Good. I am Doctor Willis, we noticed that you were the last person Keegan Axelle Bierman contacted...I come to bare you some unfortunate news ma'dam..." As he was speaking, I heard my heart beating through my ears. My eyes were quick to tear.

"Is she okay?" Was all I could ask.

" She is in good hands. She was involved in gun violence—"

"Xcuse you sire? Is this some kind of joke?" I felt my spirit leave my body. I sat myself on the bed, wiping my tears.

"I prefer to explain in person...if that's okay ma'dam."

"Name of the hospital?"

"Medvilla Hospital."

"I will be there in 30."

I hung up, tossing my phone aside of me. I just burst into tears. It's my fault. Zion is behind all of this. My heart ached so much, my chest started to hurt. How could he do this? Why is he so cruel? What testament am I facing in this life. I'll notify everyone once I have seen her. Paxton is going to beat the shit out of me.

|Medvilla Hospital|

I walked into the hospital, making my way to the front desk. I felt down in spirits, my eyes still felt heavy. I waited for the lad to finish talking on the phone. He then hung up and looked at me with a smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

I cleared my throat, "Hey...I wanted to ask if you know what Room Keegan Bierman is in?"

"And who are you?" He asked. I can't say friend, they'll probably turn me around.

"C- uhm- girlfriend?" I was so unsure of my answer, he looked at me in suspicion, "I'm serious." I changed my tone.

"Observation room. Third floor."

I thanked him and walked away in relief. I took the elevator to the third floor. I started feeling sweaty as the elevator stopped then I made my way to the observation room but met with a doctor on the way. I squinted my eyes to read the sewing on his coat.

I coughed a little and stood in his way, "Hi...a-are you Doctor Willis?"

He smiled at me. He looks so young. I would be lying if I said he is in his early 30s.

"Yes how can I help you?. No visitation at such late hours."

Just lie. It does not mean anything.

"You called me in concern of m-my" I sighed, "partner."

"Oh! Ms–"

"Alvira." I arched an eyebrow and just smiled weakly.

"Alvira...,right. Come this way."

I followed him into the ward. We walked down the seemingly endless hallways. We reached a big glass. My heart stuttered immediately.

I felt so weak. I should have woken up my sister. I raised my gaze to analyze Keegan who was laying there with a ventilator over her mouth. A huge bandage over her stomach area, there's still blood. A nutrition drip and medication individually placed. I looked at her pulse rate which was low. I could tell the machine is in assistance of her respiratory circulation.

"...Why didn't anyone call any sooner?" I looked at the doctor then back at Keegan.

I felt as If I was in a closed space. I was starting to feel hot. I feel so gulity.

"We were still investigating what actually happened to her. I didn't want to be empty with no answers for you. She was involved in gun violence, shot three times. One by the Regio epigastrica and two directly by the regio umbillicalls and got cut from the neck to her collar bone" He explained.

I felt numb, "Who did it?"

"We are quite unsure. CCTV found a footage of her fighting with a person wearing all black."

I didn't respond. I realized I was actually silently sobbing. I felt an arm around me, the doctor consoled me. I was extremely sensitive to this information.

"She's a fighter. In most cases,  90% of the people do not make it. Here she is,  she just hasn't woken up."

I was shaken by that, "Cela fait cinq putains de jours et elle n'est toujours pas debout ??(It has been five fucking days and she is still not up??)" I frowned, the way I am so weak. I can't even get worked up.

"Nous avons fait de notre mieux(We tried our best)" Doc backed away.

"Je ne pense pas que tu comprennes ! Elle est comme ça à cause de moi...(I don't think you understand! She's like this because of me...)"

"Don't blame yourself for events that you are not in control of. I have to go. You can stay with her. There's a stretcher bed in there. Just tell them I told you to stay here."

"Merci (Thank you)" I whispered and entered the room and closed the curtains.

I wiped my tears. Oh babe look at you...I didn't think he was serious.

I sat down next to her. I was hesitant by I took her hand. I looked at her.

I am..sorry Keegan— sorry can't get you out of this situation...that I put myself in..I just don't know how to escape a-and of late you have been my barrier of protection. I- I'll forever be grateful...I'll be here until your recovery.

I laid my head ontop of her hand,  Thank you being my safe space...

I felt a slight grip on my hand then her hand relaxed. My heart jumped a beat. You are now my responsibility.

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