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|Next morning|
|Keegan Bierman|

I looked at the glasses, "how did I forget to give them back?" I thought to myself. I placed them in my glasses box and in my bag. I'll probably see her around Campus.

I threw my bag over my left shoulder and walked out my room to see both of my Roomies chilling and watching a series.

"Aren't you guys going to class?" I asked.

"We don't have class until after 2" Paxton answered.

"Recommend me a course that doesn't require waking up."

"Art and Desgin" Kaes smiled.

"You must be creative, I can't even do scientific drawings for shit."

"Biology?" Paxton asked.

"Well I'm actually doing Gentic Engineering and Biochemistry." I held onto my bag strap.

"Is your mental health okay?" Paxton asked.

"Says someone who takes psychology." We all laughed after Kaes' statement.

"Thanks for breakfast earlier. I should get going."

We said our goodbyes and I took my departure.

I walked down the street,following the navigation which lead me in circles. I was starting to get furious. Class starts in 10 mintues. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey stranger, lost?" I heard her voice and smiled taking a glance.

"How did you know?"

"You have been walking in circles for the past five minutes. You walked past me three times." She revealed herself besides me.

One curly hair strand by each ear.

Her hair was in a curly updo bun, she had some simple eyeliner and a touch of light make up. Lips coated in lipgloss, a white crop top with baggy jeans and white sneakers. Cute.

"That's so embarrassing..." I said inbetween my teeth, "About last night..."

"Please do not bring that up, you weren't supposed to see me like that. I ruined your experience" She sighed.

"It's okay. Let's go."

I followed her to campus. We scanned our security cards. It's closer than I thought!

Everret came running towards us. Fucking idiot.

"Hey beautiful and Hi Hulk." He smiled at us.

"Hi Ev." She greeted, I waved at him.

"You two would look beautiful as a co—"

"Okay okay we are going to class" I cut the content short.

"Wait where are you going ?" She asked.


"Oh me too! I study biochemistry and Mircobiology." She smiled happily.

We started to walk away from Everett who followed us.

"Geez wait up you two!"

"You take Biochemistry?"

"I'm not stupid man." He pushed my shoulder. I laughed.

We got to the lecture room, the lesson had already started. It was full, I nearly felt overwhelmed.

"Let's seat there" Everret whisper to us and looked to our left.

We walked past people and took our seats next to each other since it was the only available seats. We took our study material and proceeded with the lesson.

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now