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|Three days later|
|Paxton Mulenga-Forris|

I gave Kaes the dirty eye while hydrating. I haven't seen Keegan in three fucking days? Where could she be?

"Oga a-beg! I also don't know where she is!" Kaes snapped and shrugged her shoulders. I frowned my eyebrows and placed the glass on the stand.

"Alvira should know where the hell she is!" I grabbed my school bag.

"Be calm...why would she sleep over without clothes?"

"Huyu binti ananisisitiza! kila anapotoweka, hatuwezi kumpata(This girl is stressing me! whenever she disappears, we cannot find her)" I said furiously as we left the apartment.

Kaes locked up and we went down the stairs. I am genuinely so worried about Keegan. She's a good kid and it would hurt to know something bad happened to her. My heart already felt heavy in her absence. That's like my best friend.

Kaes cleared her throat, "I think it's about time you stop snapping and relax. It won't help to shout. You are not finding a dog." Kaes said sternly kissing her teeth.

I sighed, "It has been three days, please tell me you have sympathy–"

"–I do. Everret went out looking for her and nothing."

We made it to the outside and started to walk to campus. I saw Alvira walking a different direction probably to the science section.

"ALVIRA!" I shouted loudly, she turned and walked to our direction we did the same to meet her half way.

"Paxton, Ka–"

"Where the hell is Keegan!?"

"Paxton!" Kaes warned, "Hey girl. Have you seen Keegan?"

Her face softened up into sadness, "I wanted to ask you the same question.."

Strength left my body, "Y-you d-dont know where she is?"

"I- I don't Pax...She's also not answering my calls."

"Where is Zariah?" I asked weakly.

"Economics." Alvira looked at her phone, "Why are you looking for her?"

"They close friends so I supp–" I had to stop myself after seeing the confusion on Alvira's face.

"Close friends?" She asked.

"You didn't know?"

"Paxton and exposing people." Kaes sighed, scratching her cheek.

"I didn't but that's nice.  I am just really worried about Keegan. Please keep in touch. I'm about to be late for class" She excused herself.

I looked at Kaes, "I have to go. We'll chat." I said, she nodded and continued to go to her classes.

|A while later|

I looked at the ceiling and blinked then sat myself up.

"You seem to be bothered what's wrong doll?" Avery asked as she sat herself besides me.

"Alot Av. What are we even?" I looked at her.

She scoffed, "What does that mean?"

"You know what I mean." I lowered my gaze. She sighed.

"I don't want to hurt you...I am unsure about my feelings and—" She turned her head.


She kept quiet. I knew she wasn't going to answer me. I don't know how I tolerate her sometimes.

"Aren't you going to answer me–"

"–I know you have been seeing someone behind my back." She said, my face got hot instantly.

"I- how do y-yo"

"I am just your fall back Paxton?, what about my feelings?"

"I never know about your feelings!" I defended. She sighed and stood up.

"I wont risk my feelings. I am just a rebound, right?" She walked away.

"Babe..." I stood up and followed her, grabbing her arm, "I am as unsure as you are...so...fuck it doesn't make sense"

"Sex creates feelings Paxton!" She spat out and harshly took her arm and walked out. I was left standing there.

Goodness imagine having grey hair at 22. I hope Keegan is safe wherever she is, I probably need her advice. My phone pinged. I watched to the stand and looked at the message from Kelvin. I just switched off my phone and sat on Avery's bed. I must be gone before she comes back.

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