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|Everret Abessolo|
|3 weeks later|

I looked at the floor as Kaes continued to lecture me about my life choices and decisions that I'm currently making. I nearly lost my life for money - for substances that kill people.

"Let me just help you Ev, this is going to be life time damage! You could spend decades in jail!" She scolded.

"I do not want your help, Kaesandra!" I snapped. Her eyes slightly widened.

"Oya I beg you don't test my patience at this very moment!" She warned with her deep African accent.

"I was being honest! I don't want your money. I can provide for my own family!"

"Be fucking realistic. Look Everret, I love you but I don't love the decisions you are making."

"That's because you have never been in my shoes!" I stretched my hands out as my heart ached. I took a step back and crossed my arms over my chest.

"That should be no excuse. Your grades are dropping rapidly! You don't sleep, once a week you're in a cell because of reckless driving, forever I am bailing you out. This - this is not who I fell in love with." She pushed past me and walked away. I turned myself.

"Kaes..." I said softly as she left. I started to tear up but I sucked it up.

I sighed, looking at the time. I should start getting ready for tonight.

|Keegan Bierman |

"Toussaint!" I called out and she ignored me.

She has been for the past two and a half weeks.

I caught up to her and held her arm. She stopped in her tracks, she radiated around cold and closed off enrrgy.

"Keegan, let go of my arm." She said coldly, my hand became fragile and let her go.

"Thank you." She continued. I followed her, "What??"

"Can you stop ignoring me? What did I do?" I asked, my throat felt dry.

"I...just - leave me alone..." I respected her.

I looked down, letting the wind blow by. I looked up to see her walk away.

"Belle beauté(Handsome beauty)" I heard behind me. My shoulders dropped.

"Keegan?" Zariah called again.

"Zari?" She appeared besides me.

"You're sad? What's wrong?"

"Your sister.."

"Oh..yeah...she did say somethings - that's why I'm here actually..." She rubbed her arm.


"Yeah. Let's go on a walk."

My heart was definitely beating so fast that it started crying, I could feel it. We started walking in the cold wind. It's already the winter time so it has been low in temperature.

"The other day...she was upset right? So I asked her what's wrong...and she didn't say anything until she calmed down. She's not sure how to face you - especially after the kiss you both had..."

"She told you about the kiss??" I asked in disbelief, my heart seemed to beat a little faster than usual.

"She did...so - this is like out of her orientation - as she said. Which makes her feel extremely uncomfortable especially around you,also knowing that we kinda like tangled up in sheets."

I wanted to scream and rip my hair out, "you told her that??"

"I had to. You didn't hear this from me but I think she may - wait who kissed who?"

"She kissed me - it was really nothing to regret..." She held so much passion into that kiss she is such a passionate kisser it felt as if she couldn't have waited any longer there was a hidden confession.

"Oh? First time I hear about her making her first move but I seriously think she has something for you but I don't want to be too quick into conclusions because..."

"You like me too." I answered for her, she nodded, almost ashamed. I sighed.

"So it's a bit complicated for us all, Keegan but I think I'll speak to her." She smiled weakly.

"What about us?"

"Us?" We looked at each other, "It was all suppose to just be a hook up...but - you're in luck because I'm not loo-"

"Be honest Zariah."

She sighed, "I would have loved to try things but I think I love you for the wrong reasons - as with my sister you see something more. You've been a healer to my soul hence I preferred not to confess my own feelings. However you have upgraded my standards."

I just don't want to love you for the wrong reasons.

Her words tickled my stomach. Her honesty could literally drive me crazy but today as it is? It's too much to take in. I smiled kindly.

"I'll keep in touch, I need to just - clear my head. This has been alot for me." I held my left temple.

"Of course Belle Je vais vous voir (Beautiful, I will see you around) but fear not. I'll chip in a word for you."

"Please don't  - just let her..."

"Shut up Keegan, it's eating you up."

She was right but I wasn't going to admit it. I felt dizzy by such information, I decided to have an early day just so I could lay down.

As Dua Lipa said, "One kiss is all it takes"



"Oii! Adios!" I chuckled as I exited the bar through the back door. I sighed in relief at the end of my shift.

I began to walk down the Alley but keeping my guard up. It was a peaceful walk, however I could hear chattering. I decided to follow the talking.

"Nah man you owe me 500. I hate that things would have to get ugly."

I couldn't believe my ears. I peeped the corner, I was caught in surprise, seeing the exchange of money and a bag. The customer quickly went away as Everret yes him, was shoving the money in his backpack.

I showed myself, "I didn't know money does make the world go crazy?" I said sarcastically.

"Keegan?" He had a surprised facial expression, he started to back away.

"Stand still." I said sternly. I read his body language which spoke panic.

"Did she send you here??" He asked.

"You have a loud mouth even someone in Angola can hear you talking. You are such a dishonest fuck."

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now