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|A week later|
|University of NEV|

I stopped pulling my suitcase. Taking in the fresh environment, I almost forgot how it is to be outside. The reception was busy with many tenants going in and out. Some were dining at the buffet across the room. I felt foreign.

It was my turn to speak with the receptionist. I fixed on my best smile which isn't the widest, "Hello, how can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"HI, I came to get my dorm room keys."

"Check-in was yesterday." She chewed her gum while looking at me then smirked.

"At least I am here before tomorrow." I chuckled nervously.

"Only because I like what I see, I won't give you trouble" She attempted to flirt. Leaving me in discomfort.


"Full name please."

"Keegan Axelle Bierman." I tightened my jaw the name choices. What was my mother thinking?

She typed on the computer and handed me my keys, "207" She said.

"Second floor?"

"Third. NEXT"

"Thank you!"

I dragged my suitcase and walked to the elevator. I pressed number three and an elevator came quickly. I entered and took the lift which left me on the third floor.

It was not busy, there was a little drinking area here. Feels like a hotel, mom must have really been saving for me to live in such standard. Need to find a job soon, sigh.

I read the signs taking a left and reached 207. I knocked and felt the door it was open. I let myself in and immediately I was flustered.

This is almost like an apartment!

Wide open concept, a modern kitchen on my right. Three wooden doors and one and all far apart from one another. I closed the door.

A girl came out of the room close to the window. She had puffy piggy tails, brown skin In complexion and she was a bit chubby but she looked gorgeous.

"And then?" She started.


"Are you the Keegan we have been expecting?"

"HE IS HERE??" Another shouted.


"Yes it is me. Sorry the wait, I know it's a bit inconvenience."

"You are a girl— shit I'm sorry." She almost panicked after looking at me for some time. I chuckled.

"It's okay, I get that a lot. I am Keegan as you know."

"Paxton, nice to meet you." She smiled at me heading to the kitchen.

"Unique, which one is my room?"

"Far left."

I nodded and walked slightly past the living room and opened my door. The room was fairly spacious. Painted in Grey and white. Grey bedding with a queen size bed, a study desk, a bookshelf, a small television mount, a spacious wardrobe and the best part was the view. I was in love. I carefully took off my backpack, placing it on the floor then plopped myself onto the bed.

Soft as clouds, my body sinking in. I could easily doze off to sleep. I quickly sat up and took out my phone. Judging by the time difference they should be busy. I switched off my phone placing it in my pocket. Debating whether to unpack or just go for a walk.

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now