Chapter 160.1- Consciousness

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Beneath the Floating Base tower.

Wei Shi had only just opened the door to the mansion.

He removed his coat and went to the bedroom. He looked down at his terminal and waited for the heat to dissipate the chill from outside.

Wu Jin had already been sleeping for 14 hours straight.

Only a faint orange lamp was on in the bedroom. The light gently licked along the side of Wu Jin’s face and coated the small curls with a soft glow.

Wu Jin’s breathing was light and shallow, the rhythm even. He was well-behaved in his sleep, keeping to the edge of the big bed.

Wei She approached. The fingers covered in gun calluses rubbed over the soft, small round face, “Get up first. Drink a bowl of porridge before going back to sleep.”

Wu Jin was immersed in a deep sleep and wasn’t aware of him at all.

Wei Shi dropped a punishing kiss on the beautiful sleeping trainee’s slightly parted lips. Wu Jin struggled briefly, then slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Wei Shi for a few seconds and finally seemed to respond, “What porridge, are there wraps...”

Wei Shi: “Sit up, I’ll bring it over.”

Wu Jin finally sat up and yawned widely. While waiting for Wei Shi to return to the bedroom, he threw himself back into the quilt.

“Get up, eat first.” Wei Shi pulled the youth back out again, but Wu Jin’s eyes were closed, and there was no response.

Wei Shi paused.

In the dim light, the man quickly measured Wu Jin’s pulse. The beat was a little sluggish, so he pulled back Wu Jin’s eyelids to take a look. The youth’s pupils were circled with an abnormal ring of grey.

It was at this time that his terminal vibrated.

Researcher Song’s expression was heavy, “Brother Wei, Little Witch’s blood sample... there’s a problem with the results. Are you able to wake him up?”

Wei Shi’s expression changed abruptly.

10 minutes later, Wei Shi rushed into the tower ward with Wu Jin in his arms. The six doctors on duty came forward quickly, followed by Zhou Nan, who’d just arrived by suspension car. All the blood infusion devices had been started up at the same time and were now on standby.

“Brother Wei.” Zhou Nan took over Wu Jin and quickly prepared the tape, tubing, and pliers, “Hand them over to me. Prepare for hemodialysis immediately.”

Wei Shi’s eyes were bloodshot. Other than Zhou Nan, nobody else dared to come forward and talk to him.

Zhou Nan sighed.

In the corridor, Researcher Song held the test results in his hands. His palms were wet with sweat from the tension.

“Just now, the detection equipment gave an early warning on the blood sample data.”

“We gave Little Witch two tests, each four hours apart. When comparing the samples, it appears that blood ammonia increased, and blood oxygen has decreased rapidly. A preliminary speculation is that there was a poisoning effect caused by the excessive use of sedatives.”

“In the past 24 hours, Little Witch was given two injections. A N-type memory agent and a large amount of MHCC. Little Witch is resistant to both drugs, but––” Researcher Song took a deep breath, “The combination of the two drugs conflict with each other.”

Inside the ward, the dialysis machine chirped, and the power was turned up to the maximum.

Wei Shi suddenly moved his line of sight away from Wu Jin’s body. His voice was hoarse, “It was only just discovered?”

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