" Sero?"

" Hm," the other blew out a ton of smoke which made Mina and Denki cough.

" What's up man, you have been moody all night," Kirishima asked as he took a sip of water, Bakugou made sure of it.

The black-haired teen just shrugged his shoulders, Mina saw this and got annoyed, so she scoffed.

" Ok, so when Sero was hiding from Bakugou in my room. Todoroki came in and-"

" I FUCKING KNEW IT," the blonde gritted his teeth as he pointed at Sero who was unbothered as fuck and Mina was just over it.

" Anyways, Todoroki came in and said some things and I asked him if he sees himself dating Sero and he just ran out of the room."

" Ouch man, that gotta fucking hurt," Tetsutetsu chuckled as he took a sip of beer.

Sero just rolled his eyes as he vaped, and Kirishima frowned.

" Oh Sero, I'm sorry."

" There's no need to be sorry Kiri, I'm good," the tape boy told them.

The entire group stopped and looked at him with shock.

" Really," Jirou asked.

" Yeah, I mean look. Why would someone like him go for a guy like me? I'm not the brightest and I'm sure as hell not as a goodie two shoes or not even remotely as powerful as Midoriya, so what's the point," the other spat out as he puffed out the smoke.

Mina and Kirishima looked at each other with a frown while Denki shook his head, " Fuck him, you don't need him, man. You just need someone who will actually like you back and not leads you on."

" I don't think he was leading him on Kaminari," Kirishima tried to defend the bi-colored-haired boy.

" The fuck you mean he wasn't," Bakugou timed in.

Everyone looked over at the blonde and his boyfriend was confused, " What are you talking about Kat?"

Bakugou blinked before he groaned, " Do I have to explain everything? Ok look, icy-hot claimed he didn't know what the hell he was feeling but he fucking admits he found that tape faces loser attractive, which he knew what he was doing."

" For once I have to agree with Bakubro," Denki loudly stated.

Kirishima rolled his eyes at his clearly drunk friend as Mina placed her cup down, " I don't know you guys, the boy looked highly confused when I told him why he was feeling like that."

" Thank you," Kirishima clapped his hands.

Denki huffed as Sero coughed out smoke, " I-It doesn't fucking matter anyway. He doesn't want to date me, so what if he founds me hot or whatever. That still doesn't mean he founds me compatible enough to fucking date."

Kirishima frowned, " Sero-"

" It's fine Kiri, and like Denki said. I need to find someone who actually likes me back," the tape teen ranted as he took a small sip of beer, he's more of a smoker than a drinker. He placed the cup down but still receive sad and concerned stares from Mina and Kirishima.

" That's what I'm fucking talking about," Denki cheered as he hugged his neck.

Sero coughed out as Kirishima sighed, he then saw his sliver-haired friend smoking weed and he was going to ask but he remembered how much of a goodie-two-shoes his boyfriend was.

He huffed which caused Mina to giggle and Bakugou to shake his head.

" You guys are fucking idiots."


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