Chapter 27

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A week later Jin showed his changes, he completely ignored Soobin and no longer answered his every word, it made Soobin confused and sad, he always told Namjoon and Jungkook every time Jin avoided him.

Then what about Jin and Jungkook? Of course they're getting closer, they're still hiding from people about their relationship, an unclear relationship. Jin has never expressed his feelings other than he likes Jungkook. But liking is very different from loving.

That day Jungkook took a day off because Jin asked him, he wanted to take Jungkook back to his arena, of course Jungkook wanted to, he really liked that place and that's where they kissed for the first time. It was there that he realized that he too deserved to be loved like everyone else.

Jin intertwined his fingers with Jungkook and led him inside the arena. A smile immediately appeared on Jungkook's face as the cold wind hit his skin.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Slide with me"

"Of course not, but I know I'm with you so I'm ready"

Jin put shoes on for Jungkook and helped him enter the arena, Jin put his hands on Jungkook's hips and Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin's neck, they danced on the ice, as if the world belonged to only the two of them and no one could disturb them. Jungkook let his head lay on Jin's shoulder and Jin took him right into the big glass where the sea was their view at that time.

The sky was starting to change color, it was no longer blue then. Jin pressed Jungkook's body against the arena fence and put his hands on Jungkook's hips.

"You're so beautiful Jungkook"

"And you're so handsome" Jin cupped Jungkook's cheek



"I love you" Jungkook's eyes opened wide at that moment, his heart seemed to stop beating.


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Jin.." They just stared at each other and as the sun began to sink into the ocean, Jin kissed Jungkook's lips softly and tenderly, his hands pulled Jungkook's body closer to his and Jungkook kissed Jin back and let him lead.

"Yes, I want to be your boyfriend" Jin broke the kiss and looked at Jungkook.

"I want to be your boyfriend, I love you" Jin hugged Jungkook tightly, he was sure of his decision. The special moment didn't stop there.

Jin took Jungkook out of the building and took him to a stairs.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To a special place"

"Special place?" They went up a staircase outside the building, there was a hidden room on the top floor that could only be accessed from outside the building. Jin opened it and it was a studio room facing the sea, the same view even more beautiful than what Jungkook saw from the arena.

"Oh god, Jin what is this? look at that view, woahh it looks so beautiful" Jin hugged Jungkook from behind.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes of course, I never thought there was another room here besides the arena"

"The secret room was for me but now this secret room is for us"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember I said I would do it in a special place? and this is the place I mean" Jungkook felt his whole body respond to Jin's words very well, he liked Jin's touch, maybe because Jin was the first person to do that to him.

The room was not big but comfortable enough to live in, big bed overlooking the sea, surrounded by one way glass, where only the people inside could see out, no one could see what they were doing inside, that why did Jin call it the secret place.

Jin pulled Jungkook onto the bed and made him sit on his lap.

"You are always afraid if someone sees us when we are together, I also feel bad because I always ask for a kiss from you every time we meet, even though I like it, but I think you and I need a room that only the two of us know, only there We are here, no one will see us and no one will stop us, you don't have to be afraid of someone else catching us."

"Why are you doing this Jin? I mean, if it's just to do that I think it's too much, I'm not that special"

"You are very special to me Jungkook, you are the first who can wake me up, I am not a person who falls in love easily, it took me a long time to realize that I was in love but when I met you, my heart always trembled, hearing your voice, feeling your touch, made me comfortable I feel that you are no longer what I want in this life, but someone I need for the rest of my life."

"Don't you know that what you're saying is making me blush? No one has ever said anything like that to me Jin, no one has done all this for me, Like I said, I'm not attractive to many people, but I'm grateful that we met, I'm grateful, you treated me well."

"About Soobin, I'm sorry Jungkook, I didn't mean to hurt you, I felt his attitude was the same as yours, it made me feel weird, but I didn't mean to be close to him I just—

"Sshh, I believe in you, you prove it to me, you stay away from him, you prove to me that there is only me in your heart"

"of course, because I love you Jungkook"

"I love you Jin"

They never thought, this is all like a dream, everything feels so fast, they are not ready to accept everything but their hearts force them to complement each other. How did they reject it? Falling in love isn't a crime.

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