Chapter 26

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Soobin returned to the cleaning room with a smile on his face and his hands on his chest.

"Woahhh I can't believe I just talked to my idol, he's not the same as what Namjoon hyung said, he's so different"



"What's wrong with you?" Soobin approached Jungkook who was lying on the back of the sofa while closing his eyes.


"Are you sure?"


The time showed 11 pm, Jungkook saw Soobin sleeping on the sofa, he was sure there was only one person left in the arena. So he decided to go out and saw Jin just came out of the arena, he walked over to Jin and sat beside him.

"Are you tired?"

"Yes, but—"

"No buts, if you are tired, just stop"

"What's wrong with you?"


Jungkook just looked at the arena, he didn't dare to look Jin in the eyes, he knew he couldn't lie if he looked at him.

"You are hiding something from me"

"No.. do you want some more water? I'll get—" Jin grabbed Jungkook as he was about to leave and took him on his lap.

"Jin, what are you doing? let me go, Soobin can wake up anytime" Jungkook tried to get away from Jin, but Jin hugged him tightly and buried his face in Jungkook's neck.

"I don't know why I can't ignore him Jungkook" Jungkook stopped struggling when he heard that.

"You treat him differently, is it because he's handsome?"

"No, I also don't know but seeing hin is like seeing you" Jungkook chuckled.

"So you're going to do the same with him?"

"I'm sorry Jungkook, please—"

"For what? I want another answer Jin, not say sorry" Jin raised his head and looked at Jungkook with his hands on Jungkook's waist.

"Jin, I don't like seeing you treat him like that, I know I'm selfish, but I like the old you better, you're cold when people approach you, Jin, he likes you, he's your fan, I—" Jin pulled his neck and kissed him.


"Sshh" Jin kissed him gently and affectionately. Jin had to break the kiss so they could breathe properly.

"I will do it for you, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I won't do it again, I will avoid him"

"You promise?"

"Yeah, I promise"

"Then go home, you are tired"

"I still want to be with you"

"I have to be here until 6 am, Jin"


"Go home, tomorrow we will meet again" Jin brushed Jungkook's hair to his ear.

"I can't sleep alone now"

"Aish, why are you like this Jin? You make me keep blushing." Jin's hands went down to touch Jungkook's butt cheeks and surprised Jungkook, his hands held Jin's shoulders with wide eyes.


"Hmm" Jin dropped his head on Jungkook's neck and kissed him.

"Ahhh Jin .." His hands began to squeeze Jungkook's butt cheeks with his lips continuing to kiss Jungkook's neck.

"I like you Jungkook"

"Ahhh.. Soobin can come out anytime, Jin" Jungkook pulled his head away and when their eyes locked, their lips met, Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin's neck.

Their lips moved together, their wet kiss made them both excited. Jin continued to suck on Jungkook's lips and his tongue started to wander inside Jungkook's mouth.

Jin's hand started to go up and into Jungkook's shirt and when his hand touched Jungkook's skin, he could see a moan in Jungkook's mouth.

"Jin.." Jungkook broke the kiss and put his forehead on Jin.

"Hmm" Jin's hand was still feeling Jungkook's body inside his shirt.

"You have to stop." Jin sighed and took his hand out of Jungkook's shirt.

"I have to go home, I can't help myself if I stay here" Jungkook just nodded.

Jungkook got up from Jin's lap, he saw Jin tidying his things and getting ready to leave.

"Rest Jungkook" Jungkook just nodded and Jin kissed his forehead before leaving.

Jungkook returned to the cleaning room with a smile on his face and when he entered he saw Soobin still sleeping on the sofa, he was afraid every time he saw Soobin, he was afraid that Jin might change his mind and like Soobin.

That night was a long night for Jungkook, alone with Soobin, liking the same person made Jungkook unable to hide his worries, he knew Jin only liked him, they only kissed and slept together once, but he didn't want to share it with anyone else including Soobin .

He woke up when Soobin patted his arm, his eyes opened and saw Soobin carrying a box in his hand.

"What is it?"

"Jin hyung came and served breakfast for us"

"Jin?" Jungkook sat straight up and opened his eyes nicely

"Yeah, but he's gone" Jungkook passed Soobin and ran outside, he really couldn't sleep thinking about things he shouldn't have thought about last night.

He saw Jin as he was about to enter his car and he shouted loudly. Making Jin stop and look at him with a smile.

Jungkook jumped at him and hugged Jin like a koala. Of course it took Jin by surprise, but he caught Jungkook well.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I just want to hug you" Fortunately there was no one in the parking lot, because the time was still showing at 5.30 am.

"Breakfast before you go home, I know you haven't had dinner last night"

"You're talking to Soobin again" Jungkook buried his face in Jin's neck and Jin leaned his body against the car with his legs still wrapped around Jin's waist.

"I didn't talk to him, I was looking for you but he came out of the cleaning room, I just gave him breakfast and left, I didn't say anything, I swear"

"I trust you this time, but I need my morning kiss"



"Since you are so heavy, can you come down?"

"Aish" Jungkook got down from Jin's arms.

"So where's my morning kiss?"

"No kisses this morning"

"Why? You are so mean to me, I gave you a kiss yesterday morning"

"But before that you rejected me"

"Yes but after that I gave it to you"

"Can you go home now?"

"Yeah, it's time for me to go home, why?"

"I'll be waiting for you, hurry up and get your things, I'll take you home"

"But give me a morning kiss"

"I'll give it in the car, hurry up" Jin pushed Jungkook's body so he rushed to get his things in the arena.

First Snow // JINKOOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora