Chapter 17

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Jin brought Jungkook's hand over his shoulder and put his hand on Jungkook's waist.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah" Jungkook's legs kept shaking, he just looked down for fear of falling.

"Look at me"


"Hey look at me" When their eyes met, suddenly the world stopped spinning, Jungkook felt his heart stop for a moment, he was so nervous, he could even hear the sound of a heartbeat which he was sure wasn't his because the beat was so fast, the place was very quiet. Only them in the middle of the arena.

"You believe me?"



"I can't" Jin just smiled and started to move. Jungkook continued to squeeze Jin's shoulder tightly while closing his eyes, he could feel Jin's hand holding it tightly.

"Open your eyes" Jungkook could feel Jin whispering in his ear and when he opened his eyes, they were moving, their movements were in sync, Jungkook was just following where Jin's feet were going.


"You can do it Jungkook, you're great" Jungkook just smiled with his cheeks red.

"I want to show you one move, but I ask you to trust me"

"No.." Jin stopped and made Jungkook also stop.

"You are ready?"

"No! please don't do anything" Jungkook squeezed Jin's shirt tightly but Jin reassured him and held his hands.

"Stretch your hands"



"Why should I do it?"

"Because I'm sure you'll like it"

"No, I don't like it" Jin took Jungkook's hand and stretched it, he slowly removed his hand from Jungkook.

"Please stay there, okay, I'll turn you around"


"Jungkook please trust me"

"I believe you but I'm afraid"

"Fine" Jin turned Jungkook's body.

"You don't have to do anything Jungkook, just catch me when it's time"

"What? wait.. hey wait Jin..ohh shit" Jin started to slide here and there.

"Get ready Jungkook"

"NO!" Jin immediately pulled his hand and skated along, he carried Jungkook beside him by his waist and Jungkook just screamed. Until finally they stopped at the arena fence, where Jungkook's body was in front of Jin.

"Open your eyes" Jin whispered in Jungkook's ear, Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and his eyes widened at the sea in front of him.

"Jin.." His hand gripped the railing tightly and he felt Jin's hand wrapped around his waist.

"So beautiful"

"Yeah, so beautiful"

"No, you beautiful Jungkook"

Jin turned Jungkook's body towards him making Jungkook gulp nervously.

"You can do it right?"


"Are you still nervous?"



"Can..can you hold my body, I don't think my legs can stop shaking" Jin smiled and pulled him closer to his waist.

"Like this?" Their eyes moved together.

"Y-yeah like this"

"You'd rather see me than see the ocean?"


"Because I rather see you" Jin brought his face close to Jungkook's ear and Jungkook could immediately feel that he was going to die soon. His heart couldn't be controlled anymore.

Jin pulled his head back and looked back at Jungkook. Then one hand brushed Jungkook's hair behind his ear.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Accompany me to practice"

"Yeah, of course" Jin smiled with his eyes on Jungkook's lips.

"Can I.."

"Yes" Jin hadn't even mentioned what he wanted but Jungkook had answered and that's when their lips met for the first time.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he felt Jin's lips on his, he was sure it was a dream. He had to wake up before he ended up with a wet dream.

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