Chapter 2

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The shift change began, this was Jungkook's first time working there, he changed into his work uniform, not making it warmer but enough to cover his entire body, he was also given special shoes so he wouldn't be slippery when walking to clean the entire arena. Every hour they have to ask all the athletes to get out of the ice arena so they can clean the entire surface of the ice, the smooth surface makes it easy for athletes to skate with their shoes there.

Jungkook said goodbye to his two new friends Irene and Jisoo, now he is only with Namjoon, in the arena there are still many athletes practicing.

"Jungkook, how old are you?"

"I am 22 years old"

"Wow you are still very young, you are the same age as Irene, I am almost 30 years old"

"Ah I should have called you hyung, I'm sorry hyung"

"It's okay, why do you want to work here? I'm sure this isn't your dream job."

"I don't have a dream job, after my father got sick, I was forced to work to support my family, so I will take whatever job I take including being a cleaner"

"What's wrong with your father?"

"My father had paralysis in both legs, he fell while working and yes, he could only lie in bed"

"Then what about your mother?"

"My mother died giving birth to me"

"Do you have any brothers or sisters? I mean considering your father is sick and you are here until tomorrow morning."

"It's okay, sometimes my neighbors come to check on him, he's my father's best friend, we're like family"

"Oh thank God, you're great Jungkook, most kids like you will complain when forced to work because of circumstances but it's different from you"

"No hyung, I was like that too at first, but over time I realized that later I would also do this busyness so I lived it wholeheartedly, hyung how long have you worked here?"

"I've been working here for almost 5 years, my story is also almost similar to yours, and here I am until now, but if later there is another offer that is more promising than this you have to take it"

"Why hyung?"

"Since you are young Jungkook, spending your age here is not a good choice, I'm sure there are still many options out there for you and you are actually very handsome"

"Thank you hyung.."

"Hey Namjoon hyung" Someone called him and made them turn towards the arena, it was Ken he approached them both from inside the arena.

"Hey Ken, it's already 6 pm, your sister must be waiting for her oppa at home"

"Yeah, but I have to finish one more session before going home and who is this? New worker?" Ken looked at Jungkook with a smile on his face.

"Oh yes, Jungkook introduces this is Ken, he is one of the athletes here, he will join the tournament next month with several other athletes and Ken this is Jungkook, he is replacing Daniel"

"Hey Jungkook, nice to meet you, I think we are the same age" Jungkook just smiled.

"Yeah, you're the same age, Jungkook don't be shy to talk to him, he's the best here, I mean to talk to" Namjoon laughed.

"Yes hyung I know, if you ask who the best athlete is of course not me, but him" Ken pointed at the man who was sitting outside the arena with the coach beside him.


"You know him?"

"Mr. Lee told me, I also knew about you from him"

"Oh yes I forgot, we have Mr. Lee here"

"He's 2 years older than us so you should call him hyung, but I suggest don't talk to him, because he won't answer what you say, but you can try it if you're curious, because many curious people want to hear his voice but they fail and only get sharp glances from him

"Ken, come back here" the coach said and Ken returned to the center of the arena to practice.

Namjoon and Jungkook share the task, Namjoon cleans the left arena and Jungkook cleans the right arena and that means he will be closer to Jin's seat. He started to clean the seating area outside the arena, threw the athletes' drinking bottles into the trash, replaced the dirty towels with clean towels and when he felt everything was done he sat on the edge of the arena watching all the athletes show their skills.

He never ceases to be amazed, this is the first time he has seen ice skating athletes train in front of his eyes, he has only seen it often on TV, but seeing it in person is very different. He kept looking at each athlete while remembering their character as Mr. Lee said earlier.

Until a bottle hit his head and he looked at the bottle that had fallen nearby.

"Oops sorry oppa, I wanted to throw it in the trash, but because it's close to you, it accidentally hit your head" Lisa, Mr. Lee already said it and Jungkook didn't say anything, he just took the plastic bottle and threw it in the trash.

It was getting late, the athletes left the arena one by one, Jungkook returned to the cleaning room with Namjoon to rest.

"Don't worry Jungkook, we don't really work until morning, we just need to guard this arena, because several times this arena has been entered by foreigners and it's really not allowed here"


"Because this arena is exclusively for athletes, if they want to ice skating they can go elsewhere, think of this room as a secret room, you can see what strategies athletes use to win here, but you can't take photos or videos of them during practice. , that's also forbidden, I believe it's written in the contract"

"Yeah, I know about that hyung, then don't we need to do anything now?"


Namjoon and Jungkook got up from their seats and out of the cleaning room he saw someone in the arena bowing his head while holding the arena fence. They both just stared at each other because it was Jin. He always spent the night there, every day. Practice even without a coach. His moves are very beautiful, he always gets the highest points in every tournament, but I don't know what happened that day, it seemed to frustrate Jin to throw his water bottle out of the arena.

"I suggest you don't go there now, clean the water bottle after he leaves"

"Yes hyung" Namjoon returned to the cleaning room but not Jungkook. He saw Jin coming out of the arena and taking off his shoes as he sat down and lowered his head with both hands for support.

He knew, he had received two warnings not to approach Jin, the ice prince but he really wanted to approach him. He refused to go to Jin and chose to sit there watching him, maybe he needed something and Jungkook was there to help him. But almost half an hour he was still in the same position until finally he got up from his chair, put his shoes in his bag and a surprising thing happened. He undressed there. Jungkook was sure at that time Jin didn't notice his presence, that's why he didn't change clothes in the locker room.

Jungkook immediately turned his face, he saw Jin's back, it was very wide and yes he knew his skin must be very smooth, he was very white, milky white. But don't know why Jungkook's face felt warm at that time, he seemed to be blushing by what he saw. But when he turned to Jin, he had finished changing clothes, he was wearing a black hoodie with a hood over his head, he stood up and when their eyes met each other, Jungkook felt very nervous, but Jin just looked away and left, his face was very serious, he really was doesn't look friendly.

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