Chapter 1

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That afternoon in the city of Seoul, Jeon Jungkook received good news that he got a job to become a cleaner at a skating arena. The arena is reserved for ice skating athletes to practice there, so don't be surprised if he will meet many great athletes.

Jeon Jungkook was 22 years old at the time, he was forced to drop out of college because he had no money. He only lived with his father, who was 68 years old at the time, just lying weakly in his bed, waiting for his time to come.

He applied for various job vacancies and luckily one of them accepted him to work, the salary offered was not much but enough for his and his father's needs for a month.

Luckily he didn't have to pay rent because the apartment they lived in was officially his. When his father was healthy he saved money to buy the apartment as a gift for his first and only child. His mother died giving birth to him.

When contacted by the owner of the arena, Jungkook was very happy, he was getting ready to come to his new workplace. It wasn't his first time working, he had previously been a waitress at a club and it didn't go well after he was almost raped by a drunk old man, then he also worked as a mechanic at a neighbor's workshop, but the workshop had to close due to bankrupt.

He ran quickly, not wanting to be late for his first day at work. A smile appeared on his face with sweat running down his forehead. He was after the bus then, he didn't want to wait for the next bus.

It took a very long time to get to its destination, the bus stopped at its last stop and Jungkook immediately ran, his steps stopped when he saw a very large sports arena in front of him, a lot of people were going in and out of there. Everyone was well dressed, he turned to himself and saw only the tattered sweater he was wearing at the time and his worn out shoes.

But that didn't change his enthusiasm for it and didn't take away the smile on his face, he ran to meet the owner of the arena there, Mr. Lee. He comes to one of the room, he knocks on the door and someone inside tells him to come in.

"Hello, you're Jeon Jungkook right?" Mr. Lee said while sitting in his chair, the man is almost 50 years old. But he still has an athletic build and looks very healthy.

"Yes sir, I'm Jeon Jungkook"

"Okay, I've conveyed everything over the phone before, so I won't repeat it a second time, I hope you remember everything I said, even though you can read it all in your employment contract." Mr. Lee pointed to the folder on his desk.

"Please have a seat, do you want to just stand there?" Mr. Lee said with a smile on his face. Jungkook walked over to the chair in front of him and sat down, he kept looking at the contents of the contract, he was very focused on reading all the rules he can and can't do while working and because the arena is open 24 hours for athletes so he has to spend a lot of time there, of course he's not alone. There are three other people who will work with him, irene, Jisoo and Namjoon. They have all worked there for a long time, let's just say they are Jungkook's seniors.

"You can think about it carefully, don't be in a hurry, I have a lot of time today, if you are not sure about all the rules you can refuse this offer"

Of course Jungkook wouldn't refuse the offer, he needed a job because he needed money so he would accept any job that was offered to him.

"No sir, I agree with all the rules, where should I sign it?"

After Jungkook signed the contract, Mr. Lee took him to the skating arena, the place was really very wide, maybe Jungkook could just get lost there. As they reached the entrance of the skating arena, he could feel a chilly wind emanating from within. Makes him nervous, because usually the work he does makes him sweat but it looks like he won't be sweating anymore this time.

"Welcome to the Seoul City ice skating arena" Mr. Lee opened the door and immediately Jungkook's face turned pink, he felt like he was in another world at that moment, so beautiful, he could see the athletes who were training in their charming costumes. His face couldn't lie, he was so amazed.

"You know Mr. Lee, I feel like I'm in a fairy tale right now." Mr. Lee chuckled and led him to the cleaning room at the end of the arena, right next to the athletes' locker room.

He works shifts, there are two shifts and he gets a night shift which means he has to work from 6pm to 6am. He works with Namjoon. While Irene and Jisoo work for the morning shift.

But because it was only 5 pm, they were all there and Mr. Lee introduced Jungkook to all of them.

"You three can come here for a moment, I want to introduce a new worker, his name is Jeon Jungkook, you can call him Jungkook. He's new so you have to help him. Jungkook, these are the three people you work with, Irene, Jisoo and Namjoon, but you will be working with Namjoon on the night shift."

"Hey Jungkook" Irene greeted him with a smile.

"Can I call you by another name?" Jisoo said.

"Yes, whatever it is I think it's okay" Jungkook smiled at Jisoo.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook, we will spend the night together, oh shit, I mean we will work together, please don't misunderstand what I said, I'm not that kind of person"

"Oh yeah, I will work hard, please take care of me, thank you"

After a brief introduction, Mr. Lee took Jungkook out and saw the athletes practicing, they were sitting on the edge of the arena. Jungkook already felt cold at that time but he didn't want to say it because it would spoil his first impression.

"Jungkook, did you see the girl in the red dress?"

"Yes sir"

"She's a new athlete here, her name is Lisa, she seems to be younger than you, she comes here almost every day, she is very bad at speech, so please understand, and the man in the black shirt on the other end, holding a ribbon in his hand, that's Ken, he doesn't bother the workers here, he actually helps the workers here, but you won't see him practicing at night"

Mr. Lee told all about the athletes who were there and Jungkook listened carefully. Until his eyes saw something that caught his attention. A handsome man, not handsome but beautiful, very beautiful, with black hair, shining eyes, long legs, wide back, small waist and yes his red lips, very red like a cherry. The man had just entered the arena.

"And Mr. Lee, who is he?" Jungkook pointed to the man he saw.

"Ahh that's Jin, you will find it difficult to communicate with him, he is the best athlete here, always wins tournaments and yes he is the real ice prince, his attitude is icy, the other workers try to communicate with him to help him but he just stays silent and ignores everyone, but he so talented, it's like he was born to be an ice skating athlete"

Jungkook's eyes can not be separated from Jin, he was amazed by the flexibility of Jin's body. He moves to and fro without fear, he does all the moves very smoothly.

Please, I want to know what you think about chapter 1 in this story 💕 Love yaa

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