Chapter 42

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Jin and Jungkook went to the arena with the coach and several other athletes, it could be seen from Jin's happy face that he got what he wanted with Jungkook.

Upon entering the arena, Jin's eyes were captivated because the arena was very large and beautiful.

"Wowh" Jin turned to his boyfrined and kissed his cheek.

"Jin, you can't do that in public"

"Why? you're my boyfriend" Jungkook elbowed him and made Jin laugh.

They were just practicing as usual, Jungkook also saw a lot of athletes from other countries there and his eyes fell on someone who had just entered the arena with the man beside her. Jenny.

He took a deep breath before averting his gaze.

"Jennie.." Mr. Lee called him and made Jennie come over to them.

"Hi Mr. Lee, we haven't seen each other for a long time and... you, aren't you the cleaner who works in the arena?"

"Oh yeahh-"

"He's Jin's assistant now and he—"

"Nice to meet you here noona" Jungkook cut Mr. Lee and smiled at Jennie.

"Nice to meet you too, uhmm Jungkook? where's Jin?"

"He's in the arena with Sowon" Mr. Lee said.

"Ah he found the right partner, they must be doing really well"

Jennie returned to her seat and started practicing with her partner, they did look very perfect, their movements were very harmonious, their chemistry was very good.

Jin and Sowon came out of the arena after practicing and Jin sat beside Jungkook.

"Have you seen Jennie?" Jin nodded.

"She's so beautiful, she's perfect" Jin kissed Jungkook's cheek making him flinch.


"You are the most beautiful, and you are perfect for me, stop saying nonsense"

"That's true, you have to accept that what I said is true." Jin just shook his head.

Not long after, Jennie came out of the arena with her partner and approached Jin and Jungkook.

"Hey Jin" When she wanted to hug Jin, Jin avoided her.

"Oh sorry, introduce this is James" The man smiled at Jin and Jin smiled back.

"He's my boyfriend" Jungkook turned to Jin and Jin immediately held Jungkook's hand with a smile.

"Ohh yeah and this is Jungkook, my boyfriend" Jin kissed Jungkook in front of him and made Jungkook speechless, he didn't peck him, he kissed him. Jennie and her boyfriend left them.

"Jin stop it, why did you do that? to make her jealous? Or are you jealous of them?"

"I do it because I want to kiss you, I don't care about them"

"You're lying"

"I'm not lying"

"But it's too much!"

"Why are you so angry?"

"Because I know you did that because you're jealous" Jungkook got up from his chair and left, he knew Jin couldn't catch up with him because he had to go back to the arena with Sowon.

Jungkook was just waiting in the park near the sports arena, without realizing that someone was sitting beside him.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh my god, Mr. Lee you startled me"

"It seems that what you have in mind is so deep that you are surprised by my presence"

"No Mr. Lee I don't think anything"

"Why did you forbid me to tell Jennie the truth?"

"I don't think she needs to know about my relationship with Jin, Mr. Lee"

"Sometimes what we do in front of our ex is not to make her jealous, or because we are jealous, but because it's time for us to show who we really belong and who ends up lucky to get it, the most important thing in a relationship is when you believe whatever your partner does isn't because of other people, but because he takes care of your feelings and for your relationship, it's very difficult that's why many relationships end up hating each other."

"What do you mean Mr. Lee?"

"I saw you guys before, I know you understand what I mean, I will go back inside, when your mind is calm, come back, Jin needs you Jungkook"

Jungkook did not return to the arena, Mr. Lee was right, he should have trusted Jin that he did it not to make Jennie jealous but because they are used to doing that and Jennie should know who owns Jin now.

"Baby" Jungkook turned when he saw Jin approaching him and kneeling in front of him.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad at you Jin"

"I'm sorry"

"No, please I'm okay"

"Jungkook I love you, I no longer have feelings for Jennie, in my heart there is only you and there is not the space for anyone"

"Yeah I know, I'm just.. scared" Jin cupped Jungkook's cheek and stroked it.

"Never be afraid, I'm only for you, I'm yours Jungkook, don't forget that" Jungkook nodded and Jin hugged him tightly.

Tournament day

All the athletes gathered in the tournament arena, Jungkook sat together with the coach and Mr. Lee at the edge of the arena.

Everyone who was there cheered happily, shouting the name of their superior athlete. Nervousness started to overwhelm Jungkook, he was sure Jin would win.

One by one the athletes began to show their skills and it was time for the pair category, Jennie and her partner appeared first. Jungkook couldn't stop being amazed by their moves and they got really good point. Many compliments that Jungkook heard from people there about them.

And when Jin and Sowon's names were called Jungkook immediately stood up, he held his chest and continued to stare at Jin who entered the arena while holding Sowon's hand. Jin looked at Jungkook and smiled, Jungkook just nodded his head.

All eyes were on them, as the spotlights started shooting at them, only they were on the ice, dancing beautifully and perfectly, Jungkook closed his eyes and imagined the time when the two of them danced together in Jin's private arena. So beautiful.

All athletes have shown their skills, they are called according to their category. The three judges in front of them started to stand up to announce who the winner of the pair category would be.

"The winner of the World Ice Skating in the pair category goes to.. Kim Seokjin and Lee Sowon" The audience's cheers of joy began to fill the arena. Jungkook couldn't hold back the tears. He saw Sowon hugging Jin and receiving the gold medal pinned by the judge.

Jin turned to Jungkook and approached him and kissed Jungkook in front of many people there.

"I knew you did it" Jungkook said with tears running down his cheeks. Jin broke the kiss.

"I love you so much Jungkook"

"I love you too" Jin kissed Jungkook again and was accompanied by applause from the entire audience there.

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