45 | Treasure Hunting, Again?

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| Minjeong

It only took us an hour and a half to arrive at the location, which already included the traffic we faced along the way. We played a few games and chatted freely yet careful enough not to do anything ridiculous in front of the cameras.

I got to know more about Heejin thanks to being next to her. I found out that she's been a player ever since she had the strong passionate greed to become an idol.

That explained why she wanted to win so much.

So, I guess, teaming with me would lead to victory?

Because she had <Future Sight> as an attribute, it was easy to believe her. Through the system's social chat box, she told me everything about it in place of the system blocking my questions thanks to her title <Mist>.

Heejin said her attribute both felt like a curse and a blessing. A curse because she sometimes feared the possibilities of what may happen. And a blessing, because she could try and change that future.

However, she can't use it as far and often as she pleased. Activating the attribute at a particular time was impossible. Could be seven seconds or five days into the future, it was purely random.

I thought her attribute was among the S-tier, but then after that clarification— it was in between S and A-tier. I wanted to ask her more about it, especially how she suddenly told me that she wanted to win.

But all I got was; I can't tell you everything or else that future I saw would change.

"Psst, baby. You're spacing out."

I felt a nudge on my arm, causing me to shake my head and focus back on the current situation.

Almost forgot that the cameras were rolling— and they probably caught me spacing out back there. With a small sigh, I looked around and noticed that almost all of us contestants aside from the noisy ones were seated on a couch in the living room.

I don't know what's going on with the writers' minds, but episode three looked oddly different in comparison to episodes one and two. We changed from ninety-nine contestants in a competitive atmosphere, to nineteen contestants in a homey vibe.

It seemed like the show was letting us relax for a bit before the main event can happen. We already knew our teams and all that was left were the songs assigned to us.

I sighed once again, "I'm a little bit suspicious of the writers." I intentionally said in front of the cameras as I pull out an envelope that was given to me back at the warehouse.

"What about it?" Jimin twisted open her water bottle while leaning closer to inspect the black envelope I held.

"I don't know, it's just a gut feeling..."

"Don't worry, Minjeong!" Heejin who was talking to Jisu scooted closer to my left and patted my shoulder, "Whatever's inside of that envelope— I'm sure it wouldn't be bad."

While saying that, she gave me a wink as if to indicate that she was telling the truth. I mean, who am I to guess...? This girl can see ahead of the future. I guess I'll trust her on that.

"When are you allowed to open that anyway?" She added and I huffed.

"After they reveal the songs assigned to us."

To my right, Jimin just finished drinking her bottle of water in one go. She must've been really thirsty, "Maybe that punishment of yours was a blessing in disguise, after all."

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