25 | The Voting System

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| Y/N - StarPpy.kmj

It's already been a week since the last airing of Idol Factory's episode. And each episode would be expected to air once in two weeks. So it was only fair since preparations were complicated, but chaos had already started inside the forums.

The contestants participating in the show have been oddly quiet, as none could be seen around Seoul's top broadcasting stations. Usually, they'd show up or can be seen inside the dorms UNet rented for them— from episode one.

Many fans like us would wait near the building with our top-notch cameras, hoping to get a few photos of our biases. They can usually be seen around lunchtime, passing through the building's second-floor windows. Their cafeteria was most likely situated there.

However, when the wait was over, lasting for two hours. Finally, security came and had to shoo us off. There were no signs of them. This caused complexion around fans like us who waited as many theories started to spread throughout the communities.

- Oh no, could UNet have already gotten tired of this season's Idol Factory? I'm one of the fans who manage a fan page and take photos. I didn't see them in the dorms.
   └ Aw, sh*t. I wonder if something terrible happened again??? Like last season...
   └ That's possible but also not ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's unlikely since this season is viral right now. Have y'all seen Naver? They keep trending!
       └ Yeah, I heard UNet's ratings are damn good right now.
   └ They're overreacting again. I just hope this wouldn't turn out like last season ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Most theories regarding the contestants were absurd. From a contestant getting pregnant like the previous season to UNet hiding them somewhere far away and using them for "mysterious" profit-making.

People on the internet are really maniacs.

Anyway, when I got home in utter disappointment. I dropped onto my bed and began scrolling through the forums for no absolute reason. I was bored— and I'm so glad that I did.

Because while scrolling through the internet, I found a fan page about Yu Jimin. That fan page just happens to have a photo of them blurred posted in the airport. And behind their figures looked like Jimin with a cap, her casual clothes, and walking along with her baggage.

[ yuyujmin ]
- I found the answer! I took this photo when I was picking up a cousin, and it was so unexpected to see Jimin in the background. Could Idol Factory's next episode be overseas?! *Attachment: Jimin with a black bucket cap and red baggage, walking*
    └ Wow, you're a lifesaver! 👊
    └ That puts me in a lot of relief...
    └ Everyone can now sleep peacefully ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Seeing the post caused me to sigh in relief. I'm glad that no problems were occurring in the program— I was a bit worried for the contestants.

While thinking of this, a notification suddenly popped, and it was about Idol Factory. It was a new video uploaded by UNet on YouTube and an introduction to a new voting system.

My eyes grew because of this, and I instantly tapped on the video. Then, immediately, when the video started playing, I was met with Boa.

「Hello, I am factory admin, Kwon Boa.」

She bowed before displaying her beautiful smile and explaining the new system. The screen then changed from Boa to futuristic-like animations to portray the new voting system.

「As you all may already be aware, you are given two chances to vote for your favorite contestants daily. And if you want more chances, you can buy special offers on the official app or watch ads.」

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