31 | Ups & Downs

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"Everyone, please proceed onstage with your team!"

One of the staff requested which all of us obeyed and proceeded to walk toward the stage. I could seriously feel the tension circulating the contestants. Everyone around is so nervous.

The look on their faces as they walk past or ahead of me was evident due to the shift in their expressions. Some pressed themselves to smile for the audience, and some, looked like they had already given up.

"Does anyone know how many of us will be eliminated today?"

"No... They didn't announce anything."

"How about the votes? Do you guys think that'll save us? I don't care about the first, second, or third place anymore. I just want to remain here for a while."

"Gosh, sorry for us then. No one announced anything for today, I guess they're going to surprise us."

"Welp, it's been fun hanging out and fighting with you all...hahaha."

Multiple whispers can be heard left and right. Either depressing, farewells, or the joy of being able to be a part of this program. It's drowning the stairway toward the stage and, of course, I'm listening to every single of it.

I couldn't help but feel a bit down in their place. And because of how the show would probably only have like ten episodes below. Keeping forty-four contestants is an expensive investment since the program had to cover a lot of things.

Furthermore, keeping up with a lot of performances would extend each episode so the show must be cutting a lot of parts just like the first episode.

To those who got little to no screentime— I think it's obvious that they'll likely be thrown away once the lights on this stage turn on.

...and that, indeed, what was currently happening.

As I stood in between Ryujin and Yizhuo, both of their arms were linked to mine, hands clenching onto my hand. Pfft, they say they weren't worried, but look at them looking all nervous.

Haha, that's normal I guess.

On a side note, I could never imagine how the lower rankers feel right now— the contrast between us on the top was too high and I feel bad. The hellos and goodbyes, they must be thinking about it now.

「Congratulations to team dOra maar for placing in third place!」

Boa announced that everyone in the audience threw the stage with claps and cheers. That, I kind of already expected to happen since Heejin and that girl named Choi Yoona practically carried their team's asses.

After a few moments, when the crowd finally subsided, Boa smiled at the card she was holding and seemingly glanced at the "Like It Hot" team and mine before clearing her throat.

「This now brings us to the last two teams who were left unannounced. Please take one step forward— Team Like It Hot and team Jaws.」

That instant, the crowd's clap, and cheers were louder than before. We, the mentioned teams, took a step forward and gazed at Boa with full anticipation.

I don't really feel all that nervous and worried but my heart still thumps hard when getting to know the results. Also, I have gotta mention how my hands are getting murdered from getting held onto so tight by these two beside me.

I wanted to do something about it and shake them away. But did nothing in the end as the cameras all over the place can regard me as being rude or annoyed at them.

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