5 | First Mission

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Arriving inside the dorm was a first-time experience for Minjeong. It was the first she stepped inside one with more than two people— a noisy one at that fact.

Minjeong stood beside the corridor in utter shock.

When Jimin passed beside her, she approached one of the double-deck beds and placed her bag on the bottom bunk, sitting there to watch the other three roommates who were currently busy chasing each other.

"Hey! That's mine!" Aeri yelled and it echoed throughout the room, outwards the bedroom to the living room area. "Come on, Yujin!"

It just so happens that the 25th ranker, An Yujin, won a bet against Aeri that caused this noisy situation and Somi was just standing in a corner watching them while laughing her heart out.

"But I won! This is only fair!~"

Yujin ran out of the bedroom and Aeri quickly followed. Having the time of her life, Somi threw her bag onto the single bed across the two deckers before running after the two. Silence then finally flowed inside the bedroom as Minjeong took the opportunity to close the door.

Those three didn't even care about the cameras...

"This whole survival thing is going to get some time of getting used to," Jimin sighed as she dropped onto her bed.

Minjeong just hummed in response as she gripped onto the strap of her bag. She approached the double-decker where Aeri was situated only to be stopped by Jimin who suddenly spoke in a faint voice, though was enough for the latter to hear.

"Sleep over me? I don't think I'll be able to handle Yujin."
Minjeong couldn't help but snicker at the thought and nod her head in defeat. She placed her bag on the top bunk where Jimin was lying and climbed her way up to lie as well.

It was quiet. The guide wasn't kidding when he said that the walls were soundproof. It was very convenient for the contestants since they were most likely to practice in the spacey living room that was provided.

Well, maybe the situation was different for the lower and upper rankers. Minjeong could not help but think about the matter and place an arm to cover her eyes.

Maybe the upper rankers were given a luxury dorm to stay in and maybe the lowers were placed in a smaller dorm compared to the one she and her roommates resided in. The possibilities were vast.

Don't tell me this is going to be one of those aristocracy themes.

Minjeong sighed.

"Hmm, you seem to sigh a lot." Jimin heard the latter's sighs and turned her head to face the wall.

Both of them looked really tired.

Minjeong smirked, "And you seem to get nervous a lot."



Jimin playfully rolled her eyes, "Fair, I guess?"

The two girls suddenly fell into soft chuckles and proceeded with their random conversation, not even minding the cameras that were positioned at the very corner of the room. It went on like that for good four minutes until the door bursts out open by none other than Aeri.

"Guys! You need to see this! Quick!"

The Japanese yelled, causing the two to flinch and sit up from their mattress. Minjeong was unfazed, scratching the back of her head inhabit. While Jimin glared at her best friend for disturbing such a peaceful time.

Aeri chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry you two~ It's just there's something probably important playing on the living room tv."

"Yeah! Aeri's right!" Somi's head poked behind Aeri's back, "There's this thirty-second countdown going on."

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