12 | Star Puppy

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Regarding Minjeong's live broadcast, different kinds of fan pages were still talking about the matter. This served as a huge boost to her popularity, gaining many fans as well as haters.

- I still can't get over the mukbang Kim Minjeong did... so cute ㅠㅠㅠ
   └ What's so cute about a person eating chicken? Y'all are weird ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
       └ She's simply cute. Got a problem with that?
       └ LMAO, why does it matter to you anyway?
           └ He's not replying anymore ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Is it just me or does she look the same as this puppy named star in a dog food commercial? *Attachment: side to side photo of Minjeong and the puppy*
   └ OMG
   └ Star puppy! ✨✨✨
       └ Star puppy so cute~
   └ Please ㅠㅠ She looks exactly like the puppy ashjkdhaksjfha

- Can she even sing tho? Bet she's only popular because of the live broadcast. She's a nobody, the trend's going to wear off soon 💀💀💀
   └ Look at this clown! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Maybe if you've seen the whole live stream, you wouldn't have been asking! *Attachment: twenty-second clip of Minjeong singing*
       └ Such a blessing to the ears 💖💖
       └ An angel has descended from the heavens...
       └ I wonder what rank she is 🥺
           └ Probably within the top ten!

- Who the hell is Kim Minjeong? She keeps on popping up in my newsfeed thanks to those hashtags wtf
   └ She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment
       └ Nice ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
   └ She is Star Puppy ✨
   └ Please vote for her in individual votes later at unet.co/5sfAfs3dB

- Someone leaked a photo of our Star Puppy holding hands with a contestant. Does anyone recognize the trainee? *Attachment: photo backstage*
   └ That's Yu Jimin!!!
       └ Seriously? They seem close 😲
           └ Because they are! A viewer on Jimin's live broadcast asked who she was closest with, then she answered with the names Aeri and Minjeong!
               └ Well, I did hear that Aeri is in the same company as her. I just don't know about Minjeong, there's no sole information about her.
                   └ But why are they holding hands? 😏
                       └ We don't know ㅋㅋㅋㅋ That's a mystery!
                       └ 🛥️🛥️🛥️

| ???

Today is one of the best days I've experienced.

I saw Kim Minjeong... I even got her to take a photo with me!

Damn! I'm still starstruck... At first, a friend of mine who manages a fan page about Idol Factory asked me to keep an eye on her and eagerly requested me to take photos of the trainee in her place since she caught her eye.

I guessed that she became a fan ever since that live broadcast.

Frankly, I was never the type to stan anyone in this kpop stuff but when I tried to look up Kim Minjeong's name— I was immediately sucked in!

The first thing that popped up on the search results were clips of her from this live broadcast she did yesterday and it's trending on Naver.

But what took my attention the most was how she beautifully sang Dinosaur by AKMU and her vocals solely served as the instrumental. Her voice didn't need any music to back her up.

Moreover, she was really eating those chickens well. A lot of memes about her not complaining and smiling instead about the spiciness even though she expressed how she hated it appeared too.

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