Chapter 15

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Previously . . .


       Silas raised his right eyebrow again, "How could you be so sure?"

        "Maybe it's time I had you meet someone. Don't freak out after finding out, though." Daigo smirked, before going out of the room and the other three bladers followed him.


PoV: Third Person

       The four - Silas, Sasha, Cuza, and Daigo - walked out of the room quietly, They walked in silence for a while - the only sound coming from the clashing of beys from the rooms of the other competitors, before Daigo - surprisingly - decided to break it.

       He glanced at Cuza, and asked, "How was your battle against Valt?"

       Cuza's face darkened, and he just sighed.

       Daigo seemed to understand. He decided not to comment.

       Changing the topic, Silas asked, "Where have you been all this while?"

       Daigo shrugged. "Hibernating."

       "Ugh, you're impossible."

       Daigo just chuckles.


PoV: Third Person

       Kurt looked at his opponent straight in they eye and then snickered as if he had already won. The latter didn't react and just got into his stance.

       "3! 2! 1! Let it RIP!"

       Both beys hit the stadium. Requiem took the centre - going for defense. Khalzar waisted no time in attacking.

       "Thunder Attack!"

       Khalzar attacks the opposing bey head on with a series powerful attacks, trying to weaken Requiem. Then, it moves quickly towards the edge of the stadium, getting ready for displaying its next move.

       "Bolt Attack!"

       Khalzar gains a boost of speed and goes in a perfectly straight line to attack Requiem. The latter flies out of the stadium and lands on the marble floor with a soft clink.

       "Ring out finish! Kurt Baratier gains a point!" Hanami exclaims through the microphone, as the crowd erupts into cheers. Shu calmly picks up his bey and gets into stance again.

       But, unlike everyone else, Kurt stared wide-eyed at his opponent. Bolt Attack was his strongest move! It was supposed to burst Requiem! The match was supposed to end right there and then with a burst finish!

       Despite this, he found himself smiling slowly. Internally, he knew that this blader was not to underestimated. This blader was seriously hard to read. But he also knew that this blader will take him seriously as well.

       Oh, but how wrong his thoughts had been.

       Not all of his thoughts were wrong, though.

       The blader was definitely not to be underestimated. He was undoubtedly hard to read. But he would most definitely not be taking Kurt seriously. In his eyes, Kurt was only an amateur with an ego.

       His face darkened as his eyes started glinting. A dark crimson resonance gradually made its way all around him . He found himself slowly smiling. He then said something in a low, husky voice, inaudible to the audience - but they could still see his face, and were creeped out. The tone of Shu's voice sent a shiver down Kurt's spine.

       Kurt had certainly just thought that Shu was bluffing.

       But, oh, how wrong he was.


       The albino woke with a start. 

       'Just another dream. . .' he thought to himself bitterly.

       He was tired of having these dreams every now and then - he was tired of seeing another much worse version of himself. He huffed lightly, causing the white strands of hair which were falling on his face to be thrown up into the air, shadows of those wisps hence dancing on the floor due to the pale moonlight hitting his tresses. 

       The albino got out of bed and then quietly walked toward the bathroom. He switched on the light in the bathroom and then washed his face. He then looked at his himself in the mirror before sighing. He was, again, thinking about what that scar had led him to become. No matter how many times he tried to remain optimistic and think that what he was doing while battling with other bladers was not his fault, that one, ugly scar, reminded him of the harsh reality.

       He soon found himself glaring at his own reflection, at his own red eyes. His scar started glowing crimson. He was angry. He was angry at Ashtem. He was angry at all the bladers of the underworld - including the Snake Pit, of course. He was angry at Daigo for trying to get too close to him, and for making his stupid brain take in the fact that he could fix both himself and Valt. He was angry at Silas, Cuza, and Sasha for reminding him of what he had turned Valt into. He was definitely angry at himself. He was angry at everyone. 

       But, moreover, he was terrified. He was terrified of the monster he had become. He was certainly terrified of how he had slowly turned his own best friend into a ruthless monster.

       He felt hot tears forming at the corners of his now-sober red eyes, and felt them, contrastly, run down his cold face, and did not stop them. He felt helpless. He thought of the fact that he had thought he had forever broken free of the darkness - just to get played by that stupid Ashtem yet again. He now knew that when he had first gone to the Snake Pit, Ashtem had injected him with some liquid that made him act differently when he was blading. His adrenaline was high when he was blading, and his thoughts were clouded with malice. All because of that stupid liquid. All because of that stupid, power-hungry Ashtem. Only if he could find a way for Ashtem to quit controlling his brain. . . But he knew he couldn't do so in time.


oh look! its time for my annual update!
im not even gonna apollogise cuz its def not gonna sound sincere-
this fic is finally coming to an end doe :) but ofc, its gonna hv a sequel ;)
also, could you please rate this ch from one to ten?
hoped u liked it! till next time!


Rounded off word count: 1,000

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