Chapter 4

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Trigger Warning! This chapter will contain blood, abuse and other sensitive topics! Please don't read if you are uncomfortable!


       "Genesis Reboot!" Valkyrie attacked. That's when I noticed something. Valt's resonance was strangely darker than before. Before I could react, Valkyrie pushed Spryzen into the wall. Yay. This was going to be one long battle.


Third Person PoV

       Daigo, Cuza and Rantaro all had smiles on their faces, not knowing what was actually happening. Valt had a smirk on his face. Then Red Eye was suddenly pulled into his past.



       A six-year-old Shu was playing with his younger siblings, Sakura, his younger sister who was just a year old, and Tadashi, his younger four-year-old brother. Sakura had white hair with black highlights, tied in pigtails, along with beautiful blue eyes. Tadashi had black hair, along with azure eyes. All of them were having bright smiles on their faces. Their parents, Seiichi, their mother, and Tetsu, their father, had identical smiles on their faces, looking at their kids playing happily. Seiichi had white hair, like Shu, and it reached her shoulders, and she had azure eyes. Tetsu had black hair like his son, Tadashi, and had red eyes.


       "Shu, sweety, what happened?" Seiichi asked Shu while aiding Shu, who happened to go out to play but came in with scars covered on his face. "Bullies..." was his reply. Seiichi hugged her son. "Don't worry, sweety, I'll always be here with you..." she told Shu, along with other soothing words, a smile on her face. Shu smiled back. Little did he know that would be the last time he saw her smile...


       "N-No way... This can't be happening..."  Shu said in between sobs. Tadashi had seen an Ice-cream vendor across the street and immediately went after it, not realizing that there was a car coming his way. Both Seiichi and Tetsu ran after Tadashi, getting hit by the car instead... They were both pronounced dead... Shu turned to look at his younger brother, unlike always when he looked at him with love, this time he looked at him with hatred in his eyes.


       "They will be your new parents."

       Just six words to break young Shu's heart.


       "D-DON'T HURT THEM!"

       Shu stood in front of his abusive stepfather, protecting his younger siblings, but getting abused instead, his own blood covering him. His so-called stepmother stood on the other side of the room, laughing.


       "We'll definitely make it to the finals!" said a cheerful voice. 

       "Definitely, see you in the finals, Valt!" Shu replied.


       Shu held the broken pieces of Spryzen in his hands, tears starting to form in his eyes.


       Shu was about to wear the Red Eye mask, at this point, all he wanted was to get stronger, nothing else. He wanted to prove everyone who tried to get him down wrong.


       Red Eye was against his first opponent as - you know - Red Eye. He was up against another one of the masked bladers, Emerald Eye. Apparently, his opponent was about to win, when something broke in Red Eye as if it were glass that shattered to pieces. Spryzen attacked, and this time, Emerald Eye's bey broke. Red Eye smirked. Then he came back to his senses as the pieces of glass in him started to soften at the edges. He then realized what he did. He immediately felt bad and had an apologetic frown on his face.


       Win . . . Revenge . . . Win . . . Revenge . . . 

       The only two words going on in Red Eye's head since he broke Emerald Eye's bey. He did his best to ignore them, and it hadn't affected him much... yet... whenever he was thinking of something about his past, usually Valt and Lui, the two words started forming in his head again. He turned toward the board with Lui's face, anger started forming in him. The two words got the better of him.


       Red Eye turned to the board with Lui's face on it, knives blistered on it. A smirk formed on his lips.


End of Flashback

       All these memories started flooding Red Eye's head. That was it he lost it.

       "Counter Break!" Spryzen pushed Valkyrie away from him. Red Eye's crimson resonance started building up.

       Valt quickly got over his surprise, "Genesis Reboot!" Valkyrie attacked again. Valt's own resonance started building up.

       They kept attacking each other for some time, till Red Eye had enough.

       "Shadow Axe Launch!"

       Daigo, Cuza and Rantaro were taken by surprise, but Valt just smirked.

       "Shadow Genesis Reboot!"

       Both beys clashed, Daigo, Cuza and Rantaro covered their eye's, while the two former best friends tried keeping their eyes on the beys. Then one burst. When they were able to see again, they saw a bey had burst.

       It was Genesis Valkyrie.


Rounded off word count: 800

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