Chapter 3

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PoV: Third Person

       Daigo, Wakiya, Cuza and Rantaro were staring at Valt, obviously surprised.

       "H-how-", Wakiya started, but got cut off by Valt. "I'll explain later, but right now, we need to go." 

       "Valt's right," Daigo sighed, "but you have some explaining to do," he finished, looking straight at Valt. "Fine, mom," Valt replied, rolling his eyes.


       Wakiya was now up against another masked blader named Azure Eye. It did seem like Valt was supposed to go up against Azure Eye while Wakiya was supposed to go against Violet Eye, but the five friends didn't give it much thought. Both Wakiya and Azure Eye got into their launching stances.


PoV: Red Eye (I don't think you saw that coming ;))

       "3! 2! 1! Let it RIP!

       Both beys landed on the stadium gracefully. It seemed like they were more interested in seeing which one of the two was more talented in looks, not strength. Anyway, the two beys clashed against each other again and again. That made things boring for me. I found this more like when little kids were playing on the football field and the big guys were getting bored from watching. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for much longer when Azure Eye beat Wakiya, and suddenly a trap door opened in the ground, but Wakiya being Wakiya, pulled in Azure Eye with him, and they both fell into it, dramatically screaming as if their life was going to end.

       The other four looked fazed but came back to their senses quickly. "So now we get to battle Red Eye?" Cuza asked. Then I came out and showed myself, "oh no, you won't, why would you come so far? For meeting a happy-go-lucky guy to offer you a meal for being extra stupid?" I answered his question. Valt looked like he was trying not to laugh. Wait, Valt trying not to laugh?

       Before I could say something else, Ashtem announced that I would be battling the four. Obviously. Stupid old hag. Why else would they be here?

       "Wait, all four of us against him? Wouldn't that be, like, unfair?" Daigo pointed out, not stating my name for I have no clue why.

       "I'm sure you won't be able to beat him alone, so why not try beating him together?" Ashtem replied. 

       "And that him seems to have a name," I interrupted.

       "If there was one thing I would ever want from you, is for to say please and thank you," he replied.

       "Please shut up, thank you," I said with a smirk. Ashtem looked embarrassed. Ha, in your face old hag!

       He was about to fill my ears with his annoying voice again when Valt came to my rescue, "ok- can we like- start? I don't think I would want to waste my time here listening to Ashtem's lecture on how to be respectful."

       Hmmm. Reasonable. I'd have to ask Valt later how he got smarter. I could tell Ashtem later, might as well help him.

*Time skip, no one want's to listen to Ashtem's lecture*

       "3! 2! 1! Let it RIP!"

       All five beys landed on the stadium. "Axe Launch!" Spryzen immediately attacked, sending Cognite, Doomscizer, and Rocktavor out of the stadium, leaving Daigo, Cuza, and Rantaro surprised. Good.

       Valkyrie remained. Bad.

       "Genesis Reboot!" Valkyrie attacked.

       That's when I noticed something. Valt's resonance was strangely darker than before.

       Before I could react, Valkyrie trapped Spryzen against the wall. Yay. This was going to be one long battle.


Rounded off word count: 600 words

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