Chapter 5

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PoV: Third Person

       It had been some time since Lui defeated Red Eye - or - er - Shu. The five friends were all surprised, especially Valt . . . of course, he'd be surprised . . . this was his childhood best friend we were talking about. That's when the World League had started, and both Valt and Shu were part of it. Ever since then, Valt had been training extra hard, determined to get his best friend back. He had been training so much, that he'd been neglecting his other friends . . .

       Currently, he was training, as usual, and Valkyrie was spinning in the stadium, fast.

       "Valt!" Rantaro came in running, "what?", Valt asked, not taking his eyes off Valkyrie. That's when Cuza, Wakiya, and Daigo came in running. "He challenged Sh- Red Eye!" Daigo said as if expecting Valt to understand who the 'he' was, who just gave him a confused expression, "Who is this he you're talking about?" The other four stared at him with dumbfounded expressions. "What?" Valt asked them, confused.

       "You didn't know!?" Cuza started, "There's this new blader called 'Blind Wing' - very mysterious - he even broke Cognite and Doomsizer!" He finished by showing him the broken pieces of the two broken beys. This time it was Valt who was staring at them with a dumbfounded expression, "W-what?" It wasn't even as if the broken beys had been cracked or broken in half, they were in pieces. "He took us both at once, he didn't even give us time to attack! It felt- it was like a complete blur!" Cuza said. Valt knew it would take a lot of power to do something like that.

       The other four gave him a few minutes to take in that much information, then Valt spoke up, "Wait. . . you said he was taking on Red Eye?" Daigo nodded. "When is the battle?" Valt asked. "It's today evening at about - er - 5 p.m.", Daigo replied. "The four of us are going, wanna join?" Hancho asked, expecting him to say yes since it was about Shu, but was proven wrong. "You guys can go, I'm not interested," he said and focused on Valkyrie again. "Uh - um, are you sure you don't want to come?" Daigo asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah" was his reply although he still didn't look away from Valkyrie.

       Wakiya sighed as the four of them left, leaving Valt alone. Valt glanced at them as they left and Valkyrie stopped spinning. He took Valkyrie and sat on the bench as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He then looked down at Valkyrie again as it glinted faintly.


PoV: Daigo Kuragami

       Me, Cuza, Hancho, and Wakiya did come to see the battle between Blind Wing and Sh- er- Red Eye, who were on opposite sides of the stadium.

       Blind Wing had blue hair with black highlights. He wore a grey shirt along with a black coat, not very tall, just slightly taller than me. His eyes were hidden as he was wearing a black cloth over them.

       He owned a bey called Serus Volturnus, I did some research before coming and found out that 'Serus' in Latin means 'Dark' and Volturnus was the god of the Tiber in Roman Mythology. The Tiber was a river.

       Red Eye owned a new bey now, Spryzen Requiem. Gods know what happened to Legend Spryzen.

       Blind Wing had a smirk plastered on his face while Red Eye didn't have an expression of some sort, just emotionless. It would be a lie if I said that the place wasn't packed with people. A lot of people had found out about what they had done, most not even knowing the whole story, in fact, I don't think even I knew the whole story. I was half expecting Valt to show up, but alas, not everything goes as expected.

      "Ha! I'll be taking that rank of yours from you! You don't deserve it! Only the bigger guys do!" Blind Wing teased Red Eye as he got into his launching stance.

      "Yeah, you're sure to burn a lot of your short calories in this match..." Red Eye returned, still having the same emotionless face, but I could tell he was trying not to smirk and embarrass Blind Wing more, who now had a faint blush on his face. "Let's just get over with this!" Blind Wing replied, somehow still confident. Red Eye got into his own launching stance.

       Then the battle began.

       "3! 2! 1! Let it RIP!"

       Both beys landed on the stadium perfectly, but there was something different about them. As they spun on the stadium, they left a trail of black, as if leaving shadows of some sort. I decided not to give much thought to it. 

       "Serus Boost!" Volturnus attacked.

       "Counter Break!" Red Eye immediately reacted as always.

       Both beys clashed in the middle of the stadium, sparks flying. They kept clashing with each other as their resonance builder up. Red Eye's was a dark crimson with a little bit of black here and there, while Blind Wing's was a Dark blue, also with specks of black.

       "Requiem Whip!" I could see Spryzen behind Red Eye now

       "Serus Whip!" I was able to see Volturnus for the first time now, behind Blind Wing.

       "Serus Whip!" I was able to see Volturnus for the first time now, behind Blind Wing

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(This is Volturnus, found the pic on Pinterest)

       Both beys clashed again, I wasn't able to see anymore. When I was able to see again, I was expecting any one of the beys to be out, but boy was I wrong. Both of them were still going strong. Everything else seemed like a blur as the two beys attacked each other again and again, both Red Eye and Blind Wing yelled out attacks over and over again. Now all I could see was grey as if a dangerous fire had been lit and the only thing you could see was the smoke released from the fire. 

       When the 'smoke' cleared, I squinted towards the direction of the stadium and saw that Spryzen was still spinning and Volturnus had burst. Red Eye smirked as he took Spryzen.

       Everyone seemed surprised, but eventually, they all went, including my friends, but I stayed. I don't think the two bladers who just battled even noticed my presence.

       To my surprise, Blind Wing just smiled as he took the burst pieces of his bey and put them back together. He walked over to Red Eye, who averted his gaze.

       "I might have been wrong about you after all..." Blind Wing started.

       Then he did something surprising. He kissed Red Eye on the cheek.


Rounded off word count: 1200 words

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