bad day- matt

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today was such a stressful day at work and just a stressful week at work with training new people and all the rude customers. i haven't talked to my boyfriend that much this week because i have to get to work early and don't come home till late and i dont want to bother him. i've seen him like once this week and that was on monday because he came into the store i work at to buy something but other then that i haven't seen him. come to think about it i haven't heard from him either... i just got home from work and i'm about to hop in the shower. i had gotten home extra late tonight since i took over someone's shift. but luckily tomorrow i get my check. it's only thursday and i want this week to be over. i have to work till sunday then i get next monday off due to my boss saying i've been overworking myself. i sit on my bed and cry for about an hour before i hop in the shower. considering i live alone and my boyfriend is the only person that has a key i heard a knock. i take off my make up and walk to the door not really caring how i look. my eyes are red and puffy, my nose is a bright red and my breath is short. i look out the peep hole and see my brother nathan doe. i quickly open my door and see him standing there awkwardly.

me- hey nate..

nate- hey sis! WOAH YOU OKAY?!?

me- i'm fine

nate- you don't look fine layla.

me- i swear i'm okay.. what's up? you rarely visit

nate- not true! i visit a lot

me- with the boys never by yourself unless you need advice, a place to stay, something's wrong, you are drunk or want to see iris

nate- woah am i that bad of a brother?

me- no no no you aren't a bad brother you are just a busy person! i understand completely :)

nate- okay well your right...

me- so what's up?

nate- i need advice...

me- what kind of advice?

nate- well i should probably be asking one of the triplets but since you have iris i thought i'd ask you..

me- dear god nate please tell me you didn't get anyone pregnant...

nate- oh no no no! but i kinda want a kid.. i think i'd be a good dad what do you think? do you think i'm ready?

me- nate.. i love you and i'm glad you came to me about this but no. you aren't ready and you don't want kids yet. i love iris but it's hard when you have kids. you don't get to do many things yk? like drinking you don't get to get drunk whenever you feel like it because you have to make sure you and your kid are having a good life. being gone all hours of the day is not good for the kid. kids crave and need attention from their parents.

nate- if they need attention then why am i the one who has been watching iris all week?

me- i've been really busy at work nate and i'm sorry i shouldn't have asked you to watch iris...

nate- no no i don't mind! it's just i'm worried about you sis.

me- i'm fine! this conversation is about you not me!

nate- well you look very overworked and smell pretty bad.

me- i'm aware. i was about to hop in the shower before you came.

nate- oh sorry i'm keeping you from showering..

me- don't apologize it's okay! i'm glad we are having this conversation! but anyway you have to work to support the needs of you and the child. the wants for the child are important also. so working takes a huge toll on living your life. getting to see your friends are rare. having to pay for a babysitter and schooling is expensive. i'm just trying to say you most definitely aren't ready and kids are to expensive for you right now. okay?

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