one day

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A/N: heyyyy. This story is coming to an end, maybe 5-10 chapters left 😞. Anyways have some fluff i guess, even though the rest of the story will be mainly fluff🤷‍♀️.

660 words

2 weeks later


"It's finally thanksgiving break, i've been waiting for this fucking day since the 1st day of school." Robin groans, leaning onto Finney.

Robin, Finney, Vance, and Bruce are at the grab n go. Vance dragging them there because he was going out of town for the holiday, so he had to catch up on all his pinballing.

Robin and Finney were sitting on the floor, against the store wall, next to the pinball machine, sharing a bag of cheetos. Finney eating most of them, Robin didn't mind though.

"It's only like a 4 day break Robin, it'll go by so fast too. I'm excited for christmas break though." Finney says, cheeto in mouth.

Robin groans, slapping Finneys head. "Stop bringing my mood down. And don't talk with your mouth full assface." Robin says, getting off of Finney and sitting back against the wall now.

"Stupid piece of cow shit!" Vance shouts, hitting the top part of the pinball machine. "Calm down Vance." Bruce says, snickering.

"Shut your mouth Bruce. I don't like hitting pretty boys, but i'll definitely make an exception for you." Vance says, shoving Bruce, and continues to play again.

Bruce just laughs. "Yeah sure, you'd never hit me." Bruce says, going up behind Vance, and resting his chin on the others shoulder. Vance just grumbles under his breath in response.

"Uhhh, ok. Robin and I are going to head out now. We will see y'all after break!" Finney says, standing up and dragging Robin up with him.

Bruce smiles, hugging Finney. "Bye Finney, I'll still be here though. So, me and you are definitely going to hang out." Bruce says, winking at Finney.

Robin huffs, "Too bad, i'm going to be with Finney the whole break." He says. Finney gives Robin a look, "Don't listen to him Bruce, i'll definitely spend a day with you." Finney says.

"Bruce, watch me!" Vance says, immediately getting Bruce's attention back on him. Finney and Robin share a knowing look, and walk out of the store.

"So, my house?" Robin asks, already knowing the answer.



"Robin, go make me a bowl of cereal." Finney whines, shivering under the 3 blankets he has on currently.

"Why cereal? I have so much other good shit. I have some left overs mami made last night, want some?" Robin says, getting off of the bed, and throwing on a hoodie.

"Yeah. Hurry up, i'm starving." Finney complains, head now disappearing under the blankets. Robin laughs, going to heat up the food.

A few minutes later Robin returns with 2 plates, setting them down on his nightstand. Robin climbs on the bed, yanking the blankets off of Finney.

Finney groans. "Robin, it's fucking freezing. Give me my blankets back." Finney says, sitting up, and hugging himself.

"Just grab one of my hoodies then dipshit." Robin says, sitting against the wall on his bed, and beginning to eat. Finney grabs the first hoodie he finds, slipping it on. He grabs his plate, and takes his spot next to Robin.


Robin and Finney are now laying next to eachother on Robins bed, staring at the ceiling. Finney turns on his side, muttering nonsense in his tired state, before falling asleep.

Robin turns on his side aswell, eyes adjusting to the boy infront of him. He can't really make out the others boy features in his dark room, but he still looks at the boy.

Robin lets out a long breath of air, relaxing completely. He scoots closer to Finney, their knees now touching. Robin slowly wraps an arm around the boys waist, dragging him closer.

Robin smiles, resting his chin ontop of Finneys head.

One day, he thought. One day they would finally be together.

may have mistakes.


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