deserve to know

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A/N: i almost got in a fight today and it's only the 3rd day of school.😞 Anyways, Taylor Swift makes my soul evaporate when i listen to her.

496 words

They sit there for a few seconds, before Robin speaks up. "I'm dealing with a lot of stuff Finney, that's all." Robin says, staring down at his bandaged hands. Finney decides that's not enough though.

"No Robin. You're going to tell me exactly what's going on with you. I deserve to know, you've been treating me like shit." Finney says, staring dead at Robin.

Robin turns his head, staring right back at Finney. "You're right, you deserve to know." Robin says, rubbing a hand over his face.

Robin takes a breath before speaking. "I don't know where to start honestly." Robin says, smiling slightly.

Finney just gives him a blank face in return, having enough of this bullshit.

"I've been dealing with a lot of feelings, I guess. I've been sleeping around, with guys and girls, experimenting I guess. I know that doesn't sound good, but i was just wanting to figure myself out before I.." Robin says, looking off behind Finney.

"Before you what?" Finney asks, confused on why Robin stopped. "I'll tell you that part another time, ok? It's not supposed to be said right now." Robin sighs out.

Finney relaxes, "Why did you use me though? That wasn't fair, I was your best friend." Finney says, both of them cringing at the use of "was".

"I didn't use you Finney, I swear to god. You just made me feel different and it scared me." Robin admits, picking at the bandages on his hands.

Finney sighs, he supposes that's enough interrogating for tonight. They would talk more tomorrow.

"Ok Robin, thanks for telling me, well most of the stuff." Finney says, sending him a barely there smile. Robin beams at Finney in return. Finney almost feels guilty.

Robin gets off of the bed, going to lay on his makeshift bed on the floor.

They both settle under their blankets, Finney turning off his lamp. They lay in awkward silence.

"I'm really sorry Finney. I don't deserve you, I really don't." Robin admits, voice cracking. Finney turns over, looking down at Robin on the ground, Robin already looking up at him.

"It's ok Robin, I understand it can be hard sometimes. We still have a lot to talk about. That doesn't mean I forgive you though." Finney says.

Robin sighs, "Yeah, it's ok I get it. We'll talk tomorrow." Robin says, turning to lay on his stomach, stuffing his head in his pillow. Finney finds himself smiling at the sight, before quickly stopping himself.

Finney doesn't fall asleep as quick as Robin does, laying there for about two hours. Finney finds himself falling asleep to the thought of the other boy. If only they weren't so complicated.

may have mistakes 🫶

sorry this is short y'all, i'll try to make the next one longer.


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