all of you

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A/N: thank you all for 10k reads and all the support!🫶

502 words

(2 month timeskip)

It was the first day of school, unfortunately. The boys were now juniors, except for Griffin, he was a sophomore now.

Finney and Robin hadn't really talked since that night, only having to talk or hangout when they would have group hangouts.

It hurt Finney, he really liked Robin. But Robin had just used him, well that's what Finney thought.

Robin was miserable. When he wasn't hanging out with the group he was either by himself, or latching onto other guys. He felt better messing around with random people, then with someone he knows personally, someone he genuinely likes.


"I hate my 4th period, the teachers a fucking bitch." Finney complains, leaning and putting all his body weight on Bruce. Bruce pushes him away, "Stop complaining asshead." Bruce says, opening the school door to leave.

"Beat his ass Robin! Fuck him up!" They hear a voice shout, specifically Vance's. Bruce and Finney looked at eachother, before running to where the yelling was coming from.

They found the source, 4 guys were in a alley next to the school. Robin had a guy pinned to the wall, punching his face repeatedly. The other guy was on the ground, hugging his middle. Vance was behind Robin, encouraging him.

Finney and Robin ran up to them, "What the fuck are you two doing?" Bruce shouts at them. Bruce goes up behind Robin, dragging him back by his shoulders. The two guys run away as soon as Robin and Vance are distracted.

"What the fuck Bruce? You let those fucking assholes go!" Robin shouts, turning to look at Bruce. "It's not my fault you're fucking fighting someone on school grounds." Bruce shouts back. "Stay the fuck in your own lane man." Robin yells, pushing Bruce in the chest.

"Hey, watch it Robin." Vance says, stepping between the two. "Oh? You defending you're fucking faggot ass boyfriend now, huh?" Robin shouts, getting in Vance's face. "What the fuck is your problem dude?" Vance shouts, pushing Robin against the wall.

"All of you." Robin says, eyes landing on Finney. "You are my fucking problem." Robin says, holding eye contact with Finney as he does. Finney stares back, anger and sadness in his stare. "Stay the fuck away from us then." Vance says, getting off of Robin, going to bruce's side.

"Gladly." Robin says, walking off. Finney watches him the entire time, tears in his eyes. He feels someone grab his shoulder, making him flinch. "Finney? Hey, dude, are you ok?" Vance says, genuinely concerned.

Finney just stands there, trying to get words to come out, but he doesn't. He puts his head onto Vance's chest, and cries. Vance cradles his head, fingers running through the boys hair. Bruce puts a hand on his back, rubbing it.

Finney is walking home now, cigarette in hand. The sun is almost gone, street lamps on. Why couldn't anything go right?

may have mistakes.


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