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The next day of school quickly comes.

Robin basically jumps awake, paranoid that he woke up late. He did, it is 7:43, school starts at 8:05. "Shit!" Robin shouts, quickly getting out of bed, and throwing on the first clothes he finds.

He grabs a basic white tee, and some black shorts. Robin sniffs the shirt to make sure it doesn't smell, shrugging when he does. He runs into the bathroom, brushing his teeth, and brushing his hair. Once he's done, he grabs a granola bar, slips on his vans, and runs to his car.

Robin arrives at school at 8:09, cursing when he jumps out of his car, jogging into the school.

As he's rounding a corner in the hall, he bumps into a person. Vance.

They stare at eachother, standing awkwardly. Vance puts his hands in his back jean pockets, slouching. "Uh, I gotta get to class sorry for bumping into you." Robin says, starting to leave. "Wait. Let's skip first period, i need to talk to you about something." Vance says, chewing at his bottom lip.

Robin just gives a small hesitant nod in return, before following Vance into the boys bathroom.

Now, they are sitting across from eachother on the floor.

"So, you made up with Finney, yeah?" Vance says, playing with his lighter. Robin rests his hands on his knees, "Yeah, we are cool now." Robin says.

"Mhm, well, were you just going to avoid the rest of us or something? It seemed like you didn't have the intention of confronting us." Vance says, staring at Robin.

Robin looks around, uneasy. "No, I was going to when i had the right chance to." Robin says. Vance just nods.

"Well, I don't really give a fuck. You just have to talk to the others. I kind of miss the whole group being together you know." Vance says, standing up, brushing his jeans off.

Robin sighs, "Yeah I miss it too."

"We are having a group movie night at Bruce's tomorrow, come. It would be a great chance to talk with all of us." Vance says, starting to walk to the door.

"Oh, and if you do explain yourself to us, don't fucking hurt Finney again." Vance says, staring dead into Robins eyes, before walking out. Robin shakes his head, internally scolding himself.


Finney and Robin are in math now, passing notes to eachother.

So i talked to Vance today..in the bathroom.

Finney looks over at him, wide eyed, before writing.

Really? What did y'all talk about?

Robin stops to think, before writing back.

Nothing really. He invited me to Bruce's for the movie thingy. So ima go to that so i can explain myself to the entire group.

Finney nods at him, giving him a soft smile, before starting to do his math work.


On saturday late in the afternoon, Robin is trying to think of what to say. He's laying on his bedroom floor, staring at the ceiling. He really didn't want to fuck this up, so he had to think of what to say before he went to Bruce's later.

Robin lays there for another 20 minutes, before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

He throws on some grey sweatpants, and a sleeveless red top. He packs some stuff he might need for the night into a spare backpack, making sure to throw in his walkman. He puts his hair into a low ponytail, before walking to the front door.

He slips on his vans, grabs his car keys, and heads out.

The whole drive, he is mentally going insane, what if he fucks up again?

may have mistakes.


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