why cant i be normal?

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The next day Finney startles awake, the phone ringing. Finney groans, seeing that it is only 10:36am. He eventually gets up, and answers the phone.

"Finney! Hey asshead, wanna hang out? I'm bored and none of the others want to." Bruce asks, in a whining tone. "Yeah, sure dude. Where are we gonna go?" Finney says, rubbing his eye.

"Uhhh, just around town, go to stores. I need new clothes and stuff." Bruce says. "Ok, meet at the park in like 30 minutes." Finney says. "Ok, bye ass." Bruce says, hanging up.

Finney thinks of the previous night with Robin, smiling to himself. Finney throws on some shorts, and a plain white shirt. He fixes his hair and brushes his teeth, before putting on his shoes, and heading out.

As he's walking, he thinks about what him and Robin are. Are they friends with benefits? Friends that kiss sometimes? Possible boyfriends? Finney will ask Robin later, right now he's going to have fun with Bruce.

He arrives at the park, Bruce already being there, waving at him. Finney jogs up to him, "How the fuck are you already here?" He asks, as they begin walking into town. "Magic." Bruce reply's, grinning.

They walk around town, going into stores, and causing mischief for a few hours. They are currently walking back to the park, ice cream cones in hand. "That old lady's wig was about to fall off dude. I felt so bad." Bruce says, laughing obnoxiously.

"You're so mean, why didn't you say anything?" Finney says, rolling his eyes, but laughing along. "Shut up fucker, you know damn well you wouldn't have said anything either." Bruce reply's, kicking the back of Finneys leg. Finney stumbles, "Yeah, you're right." He reply's.

Finney and Bruce go to sit on the swings, Bruce wanting to watch the sunset.

"Hey Finney, can i talk to you about something?" Bruce asks, fidgeting with the napkin from his ice cream cone. "Yeah sure, what's up dude?" Finney asks, concerned. "It's about Vance." Bruce says, staring up ahead.

Finney sighs, he knows this isn't about to be good. He knows Bruce and Vance have a confusing relationship, Vance dealing with internalized homophobia, and Bruce being openly interested towards Vance, isn't a good mix.

"I kissed him before he dropped me off last night. He just looked at me like i had killed somebody. Then when i got out of the car, he drove away so fast." Bruce says, voice sounding distressed.

"The thing is, he'll act like he likes me, he'll literally hug me, hold my hand all that shit. But when i try to initiate the same stuff, he freaks out and shuts me out. I don't know what to do." Bruce says, on the edge of crying.

Finney gets off of his swing, pulls the other boy up, and hugs him. Bruce buries his head into Finneys shoulder, finally letting his emotions out. Bruce cries, and cries, and Finney lets him, Finney understands. "Why can't i be normal Finney? Why can't i like girls?" Bruce questions, voice wobbling.

Finney pulls away from the hug, putting his hands on both sides of Bruce's face, making the boy look at him.

"Bruce, you are normal. There's is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I love you Bruce, all of us do. Robin, Griffin, Billy, Me, even Vance. We wouldn't trade you for the world. The world is a shitty place, making people believe we can't love whoever we want. It's all bullshit Bruce. Bullshit." Finney says, beginning to cry with Bruce.

Bruce can't even form words, putting his head down onto Finney chest, sobbing into it. Finney cradles his head, leaning down to whisper words of assurance into Bruce's ear.

After awhile both boys calm down. They are sitting on a bench now, watching the sunset. Bruce has his head on Finneys shoulder, Finneys head resting on Bruce's. Both boys softly talk about whatever come to their minds, forgetting about their problems for a bit.

Eventually, it is pitch black outside, the only light being the dim street lights. Finney and Bruce are walking to Bruce's house, Finney insisting to walk him home. Once they get there, Bruce pulls Finney into a tight hug. "Im glad i have you as my best friend Finney Blake." Bruce says, before pulling away, waving as he walks to his front door.

That night Finney lays in his bed, listening to whatever is playing on the radio. He doesn't deserve these wonderful people he is able to call his friends.

may have mistakes 🫶

this is the first of many angst in this book yall. be prepared 🫶


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