don't tell anyone

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A/N: THANK YOU FOR 1K READS OMG! I might upload another chapter tonight sooo.🫶

845 words

Gwen was sick today, so Finney was walking to school by himself. As he was walking he hears someone call to him from behind, "Hey! Dude!". Finney looks behind him and sees a boy slow down beside him. "I've been meaning to talk to you! I always see you and your sister walking to school." The boy says.

The boy looks incredibly nice. He has dirty blonde hair, swooped to the side, and brown eyes. He's wearing a red light jacket, and some jeans. "I'm Billy, Billy Showalter! I deliver the papers in the mornings." The boy, Billy says.

"Oh, paper boy? Yeah i've heard of you, I'm Finney, Finney blake." Finney says, directing a smile to the boy. "Well we don't want to be late do we? Let's walk and talk." Billy says, getting off his bike, and walking beside Finney.

Turns out Billy is actually really funny, Finney likes him. They get to school and part ways to their classes. "Oh! We have history together, see you then!" Billy says, waving at Finney before walking off. Finney waves back, and heads down the hall.

Finney decides to use the restroom first to fix himself up. When he reaches for the door he stops, hearing voices. "Vance stoppp, we have to get to class!" Finney hears a voice say, giggling. "We can be late, come onnn." Finney hears Vance say.

Finney shakes his head and walks in, not expecting the sight infront of him. It's Bruce and Vance. Bruce immediately notices Finney, and pushes Vance away from his neck. Vance quickly looks behind him, and his eyes shift into something. Vance takes long strides over to him, making Finney go against the wall. "Tell anyone, and you're fucking dead. Got it Blake?" Vance threatens.

"Vance! Get away from him." Bruce sighs. "He won't tell anyone, Finney isn't like that." Bruce says, putting his hand on Vance's shoulder. Vance just gives Finney a cold look, before backing away from him.

"I won't tell anyone, i'm not like that don't worry. I'm happy for y'all." Finney says, motioning his hand between the two boys. Bruce just gives him a small smile, "Thanks Finney, no one was supposed to find out, but this fucking dumbass couldn't wait until school was over." Bruce says, slapping the back of Vance's head.

Vance just grabs the back of his head and mumbles something. "Well we better get to class, it's about to start." Bruce says, grabbing his bag, and taking Vance's wrist. "Bye Finney!" Bruce says, walking out of the bathroom, dragging Vance with him. Finney just sighs, and goes to fix himself up.

Finney is now walking down the hall, heading out of school. He has his head down fidgeting with his hands , when someone runs into him, causing him to take a few steps back to not loose balance.

The person grabs his shoulders to help him, "Oops, Sorry Finn. I was trying to get out of Ms. Bakers class as soon as possible. Bitch was trying to lecture me about failing math." Robin says, laughing towards the end.

Finney notices how close him and Robin are currently, they are both the same height, Robin being maybe 1 inch taller. Robin is just rambling on and on about Ms. Baker, not noticing his hands still on Finneys shoulders.

Finney rolls his eyes, "Hey Robin?" Finney says, making Robin stop rambling. "Oh, yeah Finn?" Robin asks. "Your hands.." Finney says, lifting his shoulders up for emphasis. Robin just laughs, taking his hands off his shoulders, "Sorry dude." Robin says, smirking at Finney.

They stand there, in the middle of the hallway in awkward silence. Until Robin speaks up, "Hey, you good at math?" Robin asks, fidgeting with his fingers. "Yeah i'm pretty decent, why?" Finney asks. "Well, i kinda don't want to get held back, soooo can you help me with math?" Robin asks, looking at Finney with pleading eyes.

Finney just smiles, "Yeah sure, when and what time?" Finney asks, beginning to walk out of the school, Robin walking beside him. "Hmm, how about on saturday, 2pm?" Robin asks, looking over at Finney. "Yeah that works, just give me your address then." Finney says, looking over at Robin aswell.

Robin makes a thinking face, before pulling a pen out of his jean pocket. He takes Finneys hand in his, and scribbles his address on the hand. Finney can't help but freak out mentally at how they are basically holding hands. Robins hands feel calloused and rough, probably from the fights he gets into.

Finney feels the hand drops his, and he looks back at Robins face again. "When you get home, you might want to transfer that on a piece of paper." Robin says, smiling. Finney just nods, smiling back.

"See you on Saturday Finn." Robin says, ruffling Finneys hair, and walks away. Finney just grunts, fixing his hair, before walking away too. He's excited for Saturday.

may have mistakes🫶


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