do it

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A/N: Thank you for 5k reads!! I might not upload tonight, for reasons. My bsf came up to me and kissed me at orientation, and a teacher saw💀.

934 words

Finney wakes up the next morning, beside Robin. Finney thinks Robin looks so pretty. His usual resting bitch face is replaced, by a content peaceful face. Finney catches himself staring, before stopping himself, it's weird to stare at your friend when their sleeping.

Finney climbs off the bed, throwing a pair of sweatpants on. He makes his way to the kitchen, making a bowl of cereal for himself.

Robin wakes up, feeling Finney get out of bed. He sits up, and stretches, before walking out of the room, not bothering to put on a shirt or pants. He walks into the the kitchen and sees Finney, looking out the kitchen window, eating cereal.

Robin smiles at the sight, before going behind the other boy. He leans down and says into Finneys ear, "Where's my cereal?". Finney jumps literally 3 feet high, before turning around, setting down his bowl . "You asshole! I could have dropped my bowl." Finney says, slapping Robins head.

Robin rubs the spot where Finney slapped him. "Make your own fucking cereal." Finney says, before going to wash his bowl. Robin just groans, grabbing a bowl, and pouring the cereal in.

Finney goes and freshens himself up in the bathroom, then goes in the living room to watch TV. Robin walks over and stands beside Finney, where he is seated on the couch. "Go put clothes on weirdo." Finney says, cheeks heating up from seeing the other basically naked.

"How did you just now notice?" Robin says, laughing. "I was mad at you for scaring me, so i didn't have the chance to notice, dickhead." Finney says, rolling his eyes. Robin just smirks, before walking back into Finneys room.

An hour passes, and both boys are sitting on the couch, watching a random channel. Robins legs are out across Finneys lap, while Finney is sitting with his legs hanging over the ledge. Robin throws a m&m at Finney, making him glare at Robin.

"I'm bored Finnnnn." Robin whines, hitting the side of Finneys face with his foot. "What the fuck do you wanna do then?" Finney says, turning off the TV. "I don't know, anything but watch TV." Robin says, sitting up crisscross. They both sit in silence, thinking of what to do.

"Oh! Come on, get dressed! Chop chop!" Robin says, pulling Finney up by his arms. "Where are we going?" Finney asks "Surprise." Robin says, winking.
Finney just groans, before walking to his room to get changed.

He changes into a band-tee, and some basketball shorts. Robin meets him by the door, who is slipping his vans on. Finney puts his converse on, Robin dragging him out the door when he's done.

20 something minutes later, they are at the old abandoned park downtown. "Why are we here? Want me to push you on the swings? Huh Robbie?" Finney says, talking in a baby voice. "Shut the fuck up Finn. Follow me." Robin says, walking over to the treehouse built there.

"Robin, that thing is probably infested with spiders." Finney says, still on the ground, refusing to climb after Robin. "It's not Finn, I come here all the time to smoke." Robin says, crawling into the treehouse. Finney just groans, before climbing up after him.

Robin grabs a box that is on the floor, in the corner and opens it, pulling out joints. Finney rolls his eyes, before accepting one.

Hours pass, and both boys are buzzed. They are sitting on the edge of the treehouse, legs hanging off.
Robin is telling stupid stories from his childhood, while Finney just listens and laughs. After a bit, they are sitting in comfortable silence, enjoying the sunset.

"I like when it's just us together Finn, i feel myself around you." Robin confesses, still staring ahead at the sunset. Finneys face heats up at the confession, "I feel the same Robin." Finney says, turning his head to looks at Robin.

Robin turns his shortly after aswell. Both of them gazing over eachothers faces. Robin leans closer, their noses brushing together. "I really want to kiss you Finn." Robin whispers. "Then do it." Finney reply's. That's all it takes, before Robin connects their lips.

Finney feels euphoric, that's the best way to describe how he's feeling at that moment. Robin places his hand on Finneys cheek, cupping it, bringing him impossibly closer. Finney climbs onto Robins lap, wrapping his arms around the boys neck. Robins hands land on Finneys waist, squeezing it.

They pull away for a second, before Finney is chasing Robins lips, bringing them into another kiss. They move in desperate motions, not getting enough. Robins tongue slips into Finneys mouth, making the other boy gasp.

Robin pulls away, looking up at Finney, eyes almost closed. Robin places one last kiss on Finneys lips, before moving down to his neck. He leaves feather light kisses, before sucking and nipping at the skin. Finney gasps at the feeling, pulling at Robins hair.

That goes on for a few minutes before Finney pulls Robin away from his neck, tilting the other boys head up to look at him. They both send eachother love sick smiles, Finney placing a kiss on Robins lips, before getting off his lap.

"Come on loser, let's get you home." Finney says, beginning to climb down from the treehouse.

The boys walk side by side, hands intertwined, with lovesick smiles on their faces.

may have mistakes🫶


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